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的 创新交通解决方案中心 researches a variety of issues related to surface transportation systems. Our scientists seek to increase mobility and safety using modeling and simulation techniques.

RESEARCH课题包括交通的几个方面,包括交通建模, 交通网络规划, 行为影响和约束, 物流, 分发和培训.

中国国际旅行社 also facilitates interdisciplinary transportation research among faculty in different academic departments, 特别是对于多式联运和多式联运问题.

附属教师包括博士. 巴里·埃泽尔博士. 安德鲁·柯林斯博士. Khan Ifteharuddin博士. 韦恩·塔利博士. 布莱恩·波特博士. 魏优素福博士. Todd Fantz博士. Michele Weigle博士. Tamer Nadeem博士. 吴文和博士. Duc阮.


中国国际旅行社 is involved in a number of ongoing research projects to improve surface transportation. 与我们的合作伙伴一起, 中国国旅正在为广泛的运输问题提供分析和见解.


RoutePM is an evacuation modeling and simulation program designed to aid planners in preparing for disaster scenarios. 的 free program developed by 中国国际旅行社 researchers offers a hands on look at potential problems and concerns.

RtePM允许用户设置参数和条件,包括要疏散的区域, 可用道路的数量, 撤离人员的数量和他们在撤离场景中能够移动的速度.

的 创新交通解决方案中心 hosts the site and provides support and tutorials for the program.


ODU的创新运输系统中心(中国国际旅行社),由博士领导. 迈克•罗宾逊, will be working with the City of 朴茨茅斯 to complete a research and development project that will make 朴茨茅斯 the second city in the Commonwealth of Virginia to be completely modeled using a microscopic transportation simulation.

Called "microscopic" because of its ability to look at individual cars and driver characteristics, 全市模式将包括高速公路, 州际公路, 以及整个城市的主要道路, 在朴茨茅斯海军医院周围进行详细调查, 诺福克海军造船厂, 和约旦桥. 使用TransModeler®, 由Caliper®公司开发的运输软件包, the simulation will incorporate available City data on traffic volume and will exactly match the timing used in real-world signal lights.

这种先进的模型也考虑到了遵守信号灯的个别汽车, 观察通行权, 在去往最终目的地的路上,它们会自然地改变车道. 仿真还包括驾驶员行为的变化. 在模型中, 有些车经常变道,开得更快, 而其他人则表现得更为保守.

有这么精细的模型, 城市可以评估经常性和偶发性拥堵, 改进疏散计划, 并为未来道路和建设项目的决策过程提供信息. This gives the City a tool to assess potential rising sea levels affecting low-lying areas and intelligently adapt traffic flows to maintain access and commercial viability. 作为几个主要政府设施的东道主, the model also provides a realistic view of the effects of road closures and use of alternate routes around the gates of the Naval Hospital and Shipyard.

该项目的模型开发阶段预计将于2015年年中完成. Future developments will include calibrating the model to field observed traffic counts throughout the city, 增加了模拟事故和事件及其影响的能力, 并考虑到自行车道, 城市规划的一个方面对朴茨茅斯很重要.

TransModeler软件具有查看3D模拟的能力, 为城市规划者评估该地区的交通提供了一个独特的视角. 这一功能允许人们在“车内”骑行, 通过虚拟汽车的挡风玻璃查看道路和交通量. This inside view gives planners a realistic sense of wait times in congested areas and helps them to develop clear, 为伦敦金融城的决策者提供了令人信服的证据.


的 创新交通解决方案中心 is developing an agent-based model focusing on pedestrian behavior during an evacuation. Current research on transportation and pedestrian behavior focuses on either group or individual dynamics, 揭示了行人疏散建模方法的关键差距.

为了解决这个问题, the 中国国际旅行社 team is working to incorporate inter- and intra-group dynamics through the use of agent-based modeling to better capture the way crowds composed of families and other social groups egress during an emergency. 具体地说, 这包括建模与群体成员流动性相关的行为, 协调退出策略, 以及控制小组配置的决策.

模拟将使灾害管理人员能够做出更明智的规划, 紧急规划者, 以及其他决策者. 的 ultimate goal of the project is to develop a simulation that addresses pedestrian/vehicle interactions, 因此,引入了一个在任何现有疏散模拟中都不存在的元素.


东南公园大道绿地 (SEPG) project (2014-2015) extends and applies the microsimulation traffic model created for the 维吉尼亚海滩市宏观和微观基础模型的建立 项目(2013 - 2014).

的 model includes the accurate representation (widths, number of lanes, turning lanes and bays, etc.) of every significant road in the city and every traffic signal with timing exactly mirroring that of the real-world signals. It models individual cars and driving behaviors with traffic volumes calibrated using empirical counts taken at over four hundred locations in 15-minute intervals during morning and evening peak and mid-day periods.

Completion of the model made Virginia Beach one of just five large cities in the nation with such a detailed tool. 的 simulation will enable city planners and managers to predict more accurately the impacts of future road construction scheduled for the next 20 years on the city-wide transportation network during rush hour and hurricane evacuation scenarios. 的se scenarios include consideration of accidents and incidents impacts estimated by analyzing historical rates and locations.

的se scenarios and simulations are implemented and expanded in the SEPG project to evaluate the potential benefits of the proposed SEPG, a limited access high speed road that would form the southeastern quadrant of the Hampton Roads Beltway. Using the existing simulation data the SEPG project analyzes alternative builds and forecasts rush hour and hurricane evacuation traffic flow scenarios for up to twenty years in the future.



的 创新交通解决方案中心 is involved in a number of research projects. 回顾一下我们最近在一些项目上的工作. Find a list of papers by the 中国国际旅行社 researchers recently featured in professional and academic publications.



的 创新交通解决方案中心 partners with a number of municipalities and organizations to provide the most accurate and relevant transportation information.






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