Laboratory Facilities

The CSD lab houses audiology equipment, 录音棚, augmentative communication tools, speech and language tests used in studies of speech and language across the age spectrum.

教师的研究 & 出版物

Oxford Handbook of Aphasia and Language Disorders, Raymer,.M., & Rothi L.J.G. (Eds.) (2017).

Oxford Handbook of Aphasia and Language Disorders. New York: Oxford University Press. Raymer,.M., & Rothi L.J.G. (Eds.) (2017).


Azad G.C .霍林格., 菲佛,D., 狄龙,E.Reetzke R.卡尔布,L.Menon, D.,在香港., J., & 兰达,R. (2021). 种族对自闭症诊断过程中父母信念和关注点的影响:一种混合方法分析. 自闭症, 1-12.

Crosson B.罗德里格斯,A.D.科普兰,D.A.弗里德里克松,J.Krishnamurthy, L.C.迈因泽,M., Raymer,.M., •V., & 列夫,.P. (2019). Neuroplasticity and aphasia treatments: New approaches for an old problem. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, & 精神病学,90 (10), 1147-1155.doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2018-319649.

戴维斯,E.沃尔夫,J.默多克,R.洛佩兹,M., & 墨菲,K.A. (2019). The utilization of internal and external memory strategies in evidence-based practice. Evidence-Based Practice Briefs, 14(1), 1-10.

Gohsman, M. & 约翰逊,R. (2023). 语言病理学家在增强和替代沟通服务提供和职业后学习偏好方面的障碍报告. American Journal of 演讲-Language Pathology. doi:, Prebor, JSLP-22-00036

Holingue C., 菲佛,D.纽约州路德维希(Ludwig. N.Reetzke R.洪杰. S.卡尔布,L. G., & 兰达,R. (2023). Prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms among individuals with ASD, with and without co- occurring intellectual disability. 自闭症研究.

Holingue C.Poku, O., 菲佛,D.美国默里市.M . Fallin. D. (2021). 自闭症谱系障碍儿童的胃肠道问题:家庭经验的定性研究. 自闭症, 1-14.

在香港,我. S.辛格,V.卡尔布,L.Reetzke R.纽约州路德维希(Ludwig., 菲佛,D.C .霍林格.Menon, D.陆,Q.阿什卡,A., & 兰达,R. (2022). Replication study of ADOS-2 for diagnosing autism spectrum disorder. 自闭症研究.

角,.L.罗奇,J., & 墨菲,K. A. (2021). 持续时间延迟对智障和自闭症学生的阅读教学:综述. 国际 Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 1-11. doi: 10.1080/20473869.2021.1907138

约翰逊,R. & Gohsman, M. (2023). Predictors for AAC clinical service provision: Closing the gap. American Journal of 演讲-Language Pathology. doi:

约翰逊,R.K.马修斯,J.纽约州迪亚瓦拉市., & 卡罗尔,R. (2020). fNIRS数据的统计分析:考虑言语失用患者言语运动学习过程中前额叶皮层活动变化的空间变系数模型. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics. doi:

约翰逊,R. K.米切莱克,A., & Richels C. (2019). 创造头部空间:利用间隔检索练习向SLP研究生教授脑神经. 教学 and 学习 in Communication Sciences & 障碍,3(2). 

约翰逊,R., & Prebor J. (2019). 语言病理学家在职前增强和替代交流培训的最新进展. American Journal of 演讲-Language Pathology. 28(2), 536-549. doi: 10.1044/2018_AJSLP-18-0004

卡尔布,.C .霍林格., 菲佛,D.Reetzke R.狄龙,E.阿扎德,G.弗里德曼,B., & 兰达,R. (2021). 父母关系状况与儿童自闭症谱系障碍诊断的年龄. 自闭症,25(8), 2189-2198.

卡尔布,. G.辛格,V.洪杰. S.C .霍林格.纽约州路德维希(Ludwig. N., 菲佛,D.Reetzke R., Gross, A., & 兰达,R. (2022). 自闭症谱系观察表中种族和性别偏见的评估:项目反应理论分析. JAMA Network Open, 5(4): e229498.

Michalek,. M. P.拉弗,S. A., Richels C.墨菲,K. A., & Alshammari R. (2021). 使用集中重铸和听觉轰炸来教授失聪或听力困难的学龄前儿童特定的形态句法技能. 耳聋 & Education 国际, 23(1), 43-63. doi: 10.1080/14643154.2019.1627737

墨菲,K.A., & Diehm E. (2020). Collecting words: A clinical example of a morphology-focused orthographic intervention. Language, 演讲, and Hearing 服务s in 学校, 51(3), 544-560. doi: 10.1044/2020_LSHSS-19-00050 [invited]

墨菲,K.A., & 正义,L.M. (2019). 三年级学生阅读理解的词汇水平预测因素:拼写是一个独特的因素吗? American Journal of 演讲-Language Pathology, (28)4, 1597-1610. doi: 10.1044/2019_AJSLP-18-0299

墨菲,K.A., Pentimonti J.M., & Chow J. (2023). 支持ing children's language and literacy through collaborative shared book reading. Intervention in School and Clinic, 58(3), 155-163. doi: 10.1177/10534512221081218 [invited]

墨菲,K.A.斯普林格,A.苏尔坦尼,M.McIlraith, A., & Language and Reading 研究 Consortium (2022). Predicting language performance from narrative language samples. Journal of 演讲, Language, and Hearing 研究, 65(2), 775-784. doi: 10.1044/2021_JSLHR-21-00262

菲佛,D., 福伊尔斯坦,J.赫尔曼,D。., & 兰达,R. (2022). 幼儿教育工作者对有效专业发展要素的认知:一项定性研究. 婴儿 & 幼儿,35岁(3), 248-263.

菲佛,D. L.费尔斯坦,J., & 兰达,R. (2023). 语言病理学家对学龄前发展性语言障碍儿童语言和读写教学的看法. Language, 演讲, and Hearing 服务s in 学校.

菲佛,D., Holingue C.狄龙,E.卡尔布,L.Reetzke R., & 兰达,R. (2021). Parental concerns of children with ASD by age: A qualitative analysis. 研究 in 自闭症 Spectrum Disorders, 86(101817), 1-12.

菲佛,D. L., & 兰达,R. J. (2022). 评估幼儿服务提供者干预早期成就的泛化:一项试点随机对照试验. Early Education and Development.

菲佛,D. L., & Pavelko,年代. L. (2023). Evidence-based guidance for alphabet knowledge across service delivery models. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups.

菲佛,D. L.帕维尔科,S. L., & Bronaugh D. (2022). 走出藩篱:对跨专业的本科课程进行定性分析. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups.

菲佛,D.帕维尔科,S.Allen-Bronaugh D.选C., & Timler G. (2022). 基于实践的跨专业突发写作干预:对研究生和学龄前儿童的影响.Communication Sciences & 障碍,6(1).

菲佛,D. L.帕维尔科,S. L.Hahs-Vaughn, D. L., & 无用的,. C. (2019). 一项关于语言病理学家参与学校跨专业合作实践的全国性调查:确定预测因素和实施障碍. Language, 演讲, and Hearing 服务s in 学校, 50, 639-655.

菲佛,D. L., Pavelko,年代. L., & 英格拉姆,年代. (2018). 面向职前言语语言病理学家和通识教育教师的跨专业教育. EBP简报,13页(1), 1-10.

无用的,. C. & 菲佛,D. L. (2018). Clinical decision-making in speech-language pathology. 教学 and 学习 in Communication Sciences & 障碍,2(1), 1-11.

Puhlman J., & 约翰逊,R.K. (2019). Survey of male college students’ perception and knowledge of speech-language pathology. Journal of Communication Disorders.  82,第205936条. doi: 10.1016/j.jcomdis.2019.105936

Raymer,.M.罗奇,J.瑞德曼,R.米切莱克,A.M.P., & 约翰逊,R.K. (2018).  Critical appraisal of systematic reviews of executive function treatments in TBI. 脑损伤,32岁(13-14), 1601-1611. DOI: 10.1080/02699052.2018.1522671.

Raymer,.M., 桑德伯格,H.M.施瓦茨,K.华生,G.S., & Ringleb,年代.I. (2019). Treatment of auditory processing in noise in individuals with mild aphasia: Pilot study. Clinical 档案 of Communication Disorders, 4(2), 1-7. doi: 10.21849 / cacd.2019.00087.

Reetzke R.辛格,V.洪杰. S.C .霍林格.卡尔布,L. G.纽约州路德维希(Ludwig. N.Menon, D., 菲佛,D. L., & 兰达,R. J. (2022). 年轻自闭症儿童的语言和社会沟通差异及其相关因素. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.

Reetzke R., 菲佛,D., 卡尔布,.C .霍林格.泽特梅尔,C.,在香港. J. S.兰达,R. (2021). 学龄前自闭症谱系障碍儿童挑战行为和社会沟通评分的被调查者(不)一致. Journal of 演讲, Language, and Hearing 研究, 64(7), 2766-2775.

Roitsch J.甘珀特,M.斯普林格,A., & Raymer,.M. (2020年,epub). 学习障碍学生写作指导:系统评价与元分析的质量评价. Reading and Writing Quarterly.doi: 10.1080/10573569.2019.708221.

Roitsch J.E., 墨菲,K.A., & Raymer,.M. (2020). 语言病理学研究生的执行功能与临床和学术成果. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 5, 1221-1230. doi: 10.1044/2020_PERSP-19-00143 Roitsch J., 墨菲,K.A., & Raymer,.M. (2020). 语言病理学研究生的执行功能与临床和学术成果. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 5(5), 1221-1230. doi: 10.1044/2020_PERSP-19-00143

Roitsch J.J., & Raymer,.M. (2021). 神经系统疾病患者的认知评估:语言病理学实践模式的初步调查. American Journal of 演讲-Language Pathology, 30, 2263-2274

Roitsch J.瑞德曼,R.米切莱克,A.M.P., 约翰逊,R.K., & Raymer,.M. (2019). 外伤性脑损伤中注意障碍行为治疗的系统评价质量评价. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 34(4), E42-E50. doi: 10.1097 / HTR.00000000000444.

Roitsch J.沃克,M。.L., & Raymer,.M. (2021). 物理治疗师教育中的执行功能与学生学业:一项探索性研究. Journal of Allied 健康, 50(4), e107-e114.       69. 帕特森,J.P., & Raymer,.M. (2022). 应用ing critical appraisal tools in aphasia systematic reviews. American Journal of 演讲-Language Pathology, 31 (5S), 2291-2300. doi: 10.1044/2022_AJSLP-21-00288

斯普林格尔,.P.布里登,A., & Raymer,.M. (2020). 儿童言语失用症的言语干预效果:系统评价的质量评价. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 5, 646-653.

斯普林格尔,.P., 菲佛,D.L., & Gillis C. (2023). Enriching pre-clinical education with near-peer learning experiences. 教学 and 学习 in Communication Sciences & 疾病,7(2). 

Oxford Handbook of Aphasia and Language Disorders, Raymer,.M., & Rothi L.J.G. (Eds.) (2017).

Oxford Handbook of Aphasia and Language Disorders. New York: Oxford University Press. Raymer,.M., & Rothi L.J.G. (Eds.) (2017).


Azad G.C .霍林格., 菲佛,D., 狄龙,E.Reetzke R.卡尔布,L.Menon, D.,在香港., J., & 兰达,R. (2021). 种族对自闭症诊断过程中父母信念和关注点的影响:一种混合方法分析. 自闭症, 1-12.

Crosson B.罗德里格斯,A.D.科普兰,D.A.弗里德里克松,J.Krishnamurthy, L.C.迈因泽,M., Raymer,.M., •V., & 列夫,.P. (2019). Neuroplasticity and aphasia treatments: New approaches for an old problem. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, & 精神病学,90 (10), 1147-1155.doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2018-319649.

戴维斯,E.沃尔夫,J.默多克,R.洛佩兹,M., & 墨菲,K.A. (2019). The utilization of internal and external memory strategies in evidence-based practice. Evidence-Based Practice Briefs, 14(1), 1-10.

Gohsman, M. & 约翰逊,R. (2023). 语言病理学家在增强和替代沟通服务提供和职业后学习偏好方面的障碍报告. American Journal of 演讲-Language Pathology. doi:, Prebor, JSLP-22-00036

Holingue C., 菲佛,D.纽约州路德维希(Ludwig. N.Reetzke R.洪杰. S.卡尔布,L. G., & 兰达,R. (2023). Prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms among individuals with ASD, with and without co- occurring intellectual disability. 自闭症研究.

Holingue C.Poku, O., 菲佛,D.美国默里市.M . Fallin. D. (2021). 自闭症谱系障碍儿童的胃肠道问题:家庭经验的定性研究. 自闭症, 1-14.

在香港,我. S.辛格,V.卡尔布,L.Reetzke R.纽约州路德维希(Ludwig., 菲佛,D.C .霍林格.Menon, D.陆,Q.阿什卡,A., & 兰达,R. (2022). Replication study of ADOS-2 for diagnosing autism spectrum disorder. 自闭症研究.

角,.L.罗奇,J., & 墨菲,K. A. (2021). 持续时间延迟对智障和自闭症学生的阅读教学:综述. 国际 Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 1-11. doi: 10.1080/20473869.2021.1907138

约翰逊,R. & Gohsman, M. (2023). Predictors for AAC clinical service provision: Closing the gap. American Journal of 演讲-Language Pathology. doi:

约翰逊,R.K.马修斯,J.纽约州迪亚瓦拉市., & 卡罗尔,R. (2020). fNIRS数据的统计分析:考虑言语失用患者言语运动学习过程中前额叶皮层活动变化的空间变系数模型. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics. doi:

约翰逊,R. K.米切莱克,A., & Richels C. (2019). 创造头部空间:利用间隔检索练习向SLP研究生教授脑神经. 教学 and 学习 in Communication Sciences & 障碍,3(2). 

约翰逊,R., & Prebor J. (2019). 语言病理学家在职前增强和替代交流培训的最新进展. American Journal of 演讲-Language Pathology. 28(2), 536-549. doi: 10.1044/2018_AJSLP-18-0004

卡尔布,.C .霍林格., 菲佛,D.Reetzke R.狄龙,E.阿扎德,G.弗里德曼,B., & 兰达,R. (2021). 父母关系状况与儿童自闭症谱系障碍诊断的年龄. 自闭症,25(8), 2189-2198.

卡尔布,. G.辛格,V.洪杰. S.C .霍林格.纽约州路德维希(Ludwig. N., 菲佛,D.Reetzke R., Gross, A., & 兰达,R. (2022). 自闭症谱系观察表中种族和性别偏见的评估:项目反应理论分析. JAMA Network Open, 5(4): e229498.

Michalek,. M. P.拉弗,S. A., Richels C.墨菲,K. A., & Alshammari R. (2021). 使用集中重铸和听觉轰炸来教授失聪或听力困难的学龄前儿童特定的形态句法技能. 耳聋 & Education 国际, 23(1), 43-63. doi: 10.1080/14643154.2019.1627737

墨菲,K.A., & Diehm E. (2020). Collecting words: A clinical example of a morphology-focused orthographic intervention. Language, 演讲, and Hearing 服务s in 学校, 51(3), 544-560. doi: 10.1044/2020_LSHSS-19-00050 [invited]

墨菲,K.A., & 正义,L.M. (2019). 三年级学生阅读理解的词汇水平预测因素:拼写是一个独特的因素吗? American Journal of 演讲-Language Pathology, (28)4, 1597-1610. doi: 10.1044/2019_AJSLP-18-0299

墨菲,K.A., Pentimonti J.M., & Chow J. (2023). 支持ing children's language and literacy through collaborative shared book reading. Intervention in School and Clinic, 58(3), 155-163. doi: 10.1177/10534512221081218 [invited]

墨菲,K.A.斯普林格,A.苏尔坦尼,M.McIlraith, A., & Language and Reading 研究 Consortium (2022). Predicting language performance from narrative language samples. Journal of 演讲, Language, and Hearing 研究, 65(2), 775-784. doi: 10.1044/2021_JSLHR-21-00262

菲佛,D., 福伊尔斯坦,J.赫尔曼,D。., & 兰达,R. (2022). 幼儿教育工作者对有效专业发展要素的认知:一项定性研究. 婴儿 & 幼儿,35岁(3), 248-263.

菲佛,D. L.费尔斯坦,J., & 兰达,R. (2023). 语言病理学家对学龄前发展性语言障碍儿童语言和读写教学的看法. Language, 演讲, and Hearing 服务s in 学校.

菲佛,D., Holingue C.狄龙,E.卡尔布,L.Reetzke R., & 兰达,R. (2021). Parental concerns of children with ASD by age: A qualitative analysis. 研究 in 自闭症 Spectrum Disorders, 86(101817), 1-12.

菲佛,D. L., & 兰达,R. J. (2022). 评估幼儿服务提供者干预早期成就的泛化:一项试点随机对照试验. Early Education and Development.

菲佛,D. L., & Pavelko,年代. L. (2023). Evidence-based guidance for alphabet knowledge across service delivery models. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups.

菲佛,D. L.帕维尔科,S. L., & Bronaugh D. (2022). 走出藩篱:对跨专业的本科课程进行定性分析. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups.

菲佛,D.帕维尔科,S.Allen-Bronaugh D.选C., & Timler G. (2022). 基于实践的跨专业突发写作干预:对研究生和学龄前儿童的影响.Communication Sciences & 障碍,6(1).

菲佛,D. L.帕维尔科,S. L.Hahs-Vaughn, D. L., & 无用的,. C. (2019). 一项关于语言病理学家参与学校跨专业合作实践的全国性调查:确定预测因素和实施障碍. Language, 演讲, and Hearing 服务s in 学校, 50, 639-655.

菲佛,D. L., Pavelko,年代. L., & 英格拉姆,年代. (2018). 面向职前言语语言病理学家和通识教育教师的跨专业教育. EBP简报,13页(1), 1-10.

无用的,. C. & 菲佛,D. L. (2018). Clinical decision-making in speech-language pathology. 教学 and 学习 in Communication Sciences & 障碍,2(1), 1-11.

Puhlman J., & 约翰逊,R.K. (2019). Survey of male college students’ perception and knowledge of speech-language pathology. Journal of Communication Disorders.  82,第205936条. doi: 10.1016/j.jcomdis.2019.105936

Raymer,.M.罗奇,J.瑞德曼,R.米切莱克,A.M.P., & 约翰逊,R.K. (2018).  Critical appraisal of systematic reviews of executive function treatments in TBI. 脑损伤,32岁(13-14), 1601-1611. DOI: 10.1080/02699052.2018.1522671.

Raymer,.M., 桑德伯格,H.M.施瓦茨,K.华生,G.S., & Ringleb,年代.I. (2019). Treatment of auditory processing in noise in individuals with mild aphasia: Pilot study. Clinical 档案 of Communication Disorders, 4(2), 1-7. doi: 10.21849 / cacd.2019.00087.

Reetzke R.辛格,V.洪杰. S.C .霍林格.卡尔布,L. G.纽约州路德维希(Ludwig. N.Menon, D., 菲佛,D. L., & 兰达,R. J. (2022). 年轻自闭症儿童的语言和社会沟通差异及其相关因素. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.

Reetzke R., 菲佛,D., 卡尔布,.C .霍林格.泽特梅尔,C.,在香港. J. S.兰达,R. (2021). 学龄前自闭症谱系障碍儿童挑战行为和社会沟通评分的被调查者(不)一致. Journal of 演讲, Language, and Hearing 研究, 64(7), 2766-2775.

Roitsch J.甘珀特,M.斯普林格,A., & Raymer,.M. (2020年,epub). 学习障碍学生写作指导:系统评价与元分析的质量评价. Reading and Writing Quarterly.doi: 10.1080/10573569.2019.708221.

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Influence of principles of motor learning and motivation factors on patient outcomes in speech rehabilitation for neurogenic communication disorders; using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to measure cortical activity following brain injury; augmentative and alternative communication.

金伯利·墨菲博士.D. Child language disorders; connections between language and literacy; early identification of children at risk for literacy difficulties; intervention for language and literature disorders; evidence-based practice in speech-language pathology.
丹妮卡·菲佛博士.D. 通过以学校为基础的合作伙伴关系,提高儿童的早期语言和识字技能, 包括为教育工作者提供职前和在职的跨专业培训. 


Influence of principles of neuroplasticity to optimize rehabilitation outcomes in neurologic communication disorders; auditory processing in challenging listening conditions; evidence-based practice in speech-language pathology.

