Training Opportunities

Doctoral Practicum Training

最靠谱的网赌软件咨询中心的实习项目为博士生提供大学心理健康方面的培训. 实习辅导员通常是在咨询教育博士课程的第三或第四年的学生, clinical psychology, or counseling psychology.

实习是一个为期9-12个月的培训项目,重点是:(a)在临床理论知识的指导下成为一名有效的医生, (b) developing an increasing awareness of ethical/legal/professional standards of practice, (c)发展对个体差异的敏感性,同时综合多元文化主义和多样性的意义, and (d) developing an openness to learning. 我们努力满足你作为实习生的需求,并鼓励你在作为实习咨询师的一年中发展自己的治疗方向.

实习医师与最靠谱的网赌软件的学生一起工作,他们面临着各种各样的问题, ranging from adjustment disorders, difficulties in managing stress and affective concerns, relationship and developmental problems, crisis intervention, to issues of self-esteem and self-worth and challenges in transitioning to college life. Our staff and training program is multidisciplinary, involving licensed clinical psychologists, licensed professional counselors, licensed clinical social workers, and psychiatric services. 我们重视员工的各种治疗观点,并希望我们的培训环境丰富学员的专业发展. 咨询服务部鼓励“门户开放”的政策,这有助于在我们中心的员工和学员之间形成一个富有成效的工作联盟.

Practicum Training Responsibilities & 活动

实习辅导员预计每周在咨询中心花费大约20-24小时. 在方向, 实习临床医生将对中心的政策和程序进行概述,并有机会在轻松的环境中与工作人员见面, 学院的设置. 介绍我们经常与之互动的主要办公室(如学生健康服务), 学生接触 and 支持, and the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity) as well as an introduction to issues in college/university life is also provided during Practicum Orientation.

In addition to providing 个人 therapy, 学员将与一名高级工作人员共同领导一个人际过程治疗/主题小组. Opportunities for couples psychotherapy, 大学社区外展活动可供有兴趣参与这些领域的实习临床医生使用. 我们项目的一个重要方面是关注每个实习临床医生的学习需求. While you are part of "the practicum clinicians" as a group, we attend to your 个人 作为一名初级治疗师的学习目标,我们将你融入咨询服务的协作环境.


春天 & 下降:
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
星期五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

夏天 & 优惠:
Monday-星期五:上午8点m - 5 pm

  • 个人 Psychotherapy
    Trainees will provide short term treatment using a 10 session model. Typically trainees will see about 6-8 个人 clients per week. Trainees are required to record 个人 counseling sessions with clients. Sessions will be reviewed as a part of the supervision process.
  • 团体治疗
    Trainees will co-lead a interpersonal process therapy/themed group with senior staff. 根据中心的需要和学员的兴趣,可能会有额外的机会共同领导一个结构化的心理教育或讨论小组. Trainees receive at least one hour of supervision for their group work each week.
  • 夫妻治疗
    Trainees have an option to work with one or more couples.
  • Crisis/After Hours On-Call
    咨询 服务s provides 24 hour crisis on-call services to all ODU students. 每个受训者在他们被安排为电话咨询师的一周内提供危机电话服务, during their second semester on site. Their direct supervisor will serve as the immediate back-up for the trainees, 在需要咨询的时候,其他高级工作人员可以为所有学员提供咨询.
  • Urgent Care/Walk-in 任命
    Trainees will be assigned weekly urgent care/walk-in appointments, on their late days. 有时, based on number of students requiring assessment, 在主任助理和/或临床督导的要求下,受训者将被分配额外的预约.

  • 外展
    Our staff and trainees are actively involved in 外展 to the ODU community. 学员须参与及发展校园社区的心理健康外展活动. 学员和工作人员也满足ODU学生,教师和工作人员的外展活动的要求.
  • Liaison to ODU 社区
    我们的大多数员工都与院系和/或宿舍保持持续的联络关系. Trainees are encouraged to become involved in these consultation and liaison activities.

  • 情况会议
    案例会议提供了一个机会,创造一个空间,促进思想的动态交流和促进专业发展,以更好地帮助我们所服务的学生. 在这些会议上可以讨论临床实践的许多方面,包括病例概念化, 文化的多样性, awareness of self as a counselor, treatment planning and interventions, 灵性, integration of knowledge of theories and practice, and crisis intervention skills to name a few.
  • 培训研讨会
    受训人员将每周参加培训研讨会,该研讨会将重点介绍与在大学咨询中心工作有关的临床主题和活动. The primary subjects with focus on: group therapy, 外展, cultural competence, and professional development.
  • 训练教学法
    受训人员将每周与临床培训协调员和各工作人员会面,讨论与大学心理健康有关的各种心理健康主题. 每个月, 教学将致力于探索不同维度的多样性和交叉性. 在春季和秋季学期,学员将参加两次关于理论方向的互动式教学研讨会, to provide more exposure to different approaches to psychotherapy. 教学的目的是教学和互动,并鼓励学员积极参与.
  • Trainee 监督
    Practicum supervision provides an opportunity for therapists-in-training to acquire new skills; hone on-going theoretical orientations; and support and challenge self and fellow trainees in a supportive environment.
  • 组织监督
    Trainees' group work will be supervised by the senior staff member with whom they co-lead group. In addition to providing trainees with feedback directly after the group meeting, 所有学员和员工领导小组每周将开会一小时,讨论小组问题和主题,如小组发展, 团体动力学, group interventions/techniques, co-leadership issues, diversity awareness, and ethic and professionalism.
  Approximate # of Hours per Week
临床服务 秋天 春天
1. 个人 6-8 6-8
2. 集团 1.5 1.5
3. 摄入 1-2 1-2
4. Urgent Care/ Consultation 1-2 (or more as needed) 1-2 (or more as needed
Psycho-educational program 1 +(必需) 1 +(必需)
Open House/Saturday Functions 2(必需) 2(必需)
OCS 外展 Presentations 2(支持) 2 (Trainee Initiated)
Professional Training    
说教的研讨会 1 1
培训研讨会 1 1
评估研讨会 1 1
病例管理 3 3
Post 集团 Process Meeting 0.5 0.5
组织监督 1 1
个人 监督 1 1




*额外的注意: All trainees will be required to provide proof of malpractice/liability insurance.