
New Education Building

随着大学专注于为其未来和持续成功制定明确的路线, 一个由近300名利益相关者组成的小组开始了为期一年的包容性和密集的规划过程, leading to this comprehensive document, “前进——Focused: Where 创新 Meets Possibilities.” 


In Fall 2021, 亨普希尔校长和他的行政人员通过从校园社区及其利益相关者中寻求提名来组建关键小组,从而启动了战略规划过程. By November 2021, 12 were formed:

The Steering Committee; Mission and Core Values Subcommittee; and the Challenges and Opportunities Subcommittee began 会议 at the end of November 2021. Focus groups, 由机构有效性和评估办公室组织, 收集持份者对大学未来方向的建议和关注,并告知两个小组委员会的调查结果. The work of the Steering Committee and the subcommittees was followed in January 2022 by the Academic Excellence Subcommittee; Branding, 市场营销, and Communication Subcommittee; 企业/社区伙伴关系及经济发展小组委员会; Philanthropic Giving and 校友 Engagement Subcommittee; 研究 Growth Subcommittee; Strategic Enrollment Growth Subcommittee; and Student Engagement and Success Subcommittee. 最后, the 预算团队 began its deliberations in April 2022, with the Writing Team assuming its duties shortly thereafter. 每个小组每星期或每两星期开会一次,直到其任务完成并将其调查结果提交指导委员会详细审查为止, robust discussion, and preliminary approval. 向总统内阁和领导委员会征求了更多的意见.

In September 2022, 向参访委员会提交了一份战略计划草案, and a campuswide comment period followed. 2022年10月,一份工作草案与校园分享,为期30天的评论期. Following campus feedback, 访客委员会在历年年底核准了最终版本. The strategic plan, “前进—— Focused: Where 创新 Meets Possibilities,” began implementation in January 2023.

参与这一过程的人都是大学领导层的忠实成员, 教师, 工作人员, 学生, 校友, and the Coastal Virginia community.


Identification of 目标 and Strategies
During Spring 2022, 负责制定目标和战略的七个战略计划小组委员会有系统地定期开会,收集和分析数据, discuss key findings, and develop strategic goals to guide the University’s future. 具体地说, subcommittees reviewed internal and external focus group data, 由研究办公室利用综合高等教育数据系统(IPEDS)制作的信息图表, 最靠谱的网赌软件研究基金会(ODURF)提案和奖励数据, and market research data. In addition to quantitative data, 小组委员会向大学各方面的专家征求意见,包括, 但不限于机构效能及评估署署长, the University’s 预算 Officer, and the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs. Subcommittees then worked together to draft the goals, 首先向指导委员会提出这些目标,然后是总统内阁和领导委员会.

Importance of Key Performance Indicators
In addition to developing a robust plan, 定期报告和透明度是短期实施和长期成功的关键因素. 因此,为每个目标和策略提供了关键绩效指标(kpi). 这些项目包括基线和目标指标,以及负责方和时间表. 像这样, 每年将编写和分享两次进度报告,以提供有关超标情况的最新情况, 会议, or missing the identified KPIs.

As part of the year-long strategic planning process, 七个小组委员会的全面工作中包含了一个强有力的预算组成部分. 预算小组为每项战略制定了一个单独的预算模板,并由小组委员会完成. 开发表单是为了充分理解资源类型(一次性的或重复的,新的或重新分配), as well as the expense categories (personnel, 操作, 等.)

The 预算团队 reviewed the submissions for completeness, 稳健, and feasibility, especially as it related to revenue generation. 确定实现和结果的理想路径, 预算小组成员与每个小组委员会的代表举行了个别会议.

With implementation of the strategic plan, a Monarch Investment Fund, totaling $25 million, 会否成立,以容纳额外的资源,以推行新计划, as well as expanded activities in existing areas. 在本报告所述期间,每年将捐款500万美元. 作为每年两次更新的一部分,将提供预算公告,以使校园了解总体投资和相关进展. Additionally, 将编制一份内部预算文件,并提供给指定的责任方.

Transparency and Accountability 
大学的战略规划和发展过程是公开和公开的, including public comment periods. 该大学在其网站上保留了一个公开部分,提供会员和时间表信息, 以及各个委员会的实时会议记录, subcommittees, 和团队. Regular 会议s, both in-person and utilizing synchronous technologies, occurred throughout 2022, 所有管理员和小组委员会成员都可以在大学的微软团队平台上看到工作文件. 通过定期向主席和联合主席报告和更新情况,进一步维持问责制, as well as the University administration.