Education Topics

What is Consent?

  • Consent is a mutual agreement between individuals that they want to engage in a sexual activity.

  • 同意就是说"是". 沉默不等于同意.

  • A person who is incapacitated due to alcohol or drugs can not give their consent to sexual activity.




1) Learning about prevention at new student orientations and in the residence halls. 点击这里观看我们的“选择”介绍视频.


3) Leading awareness events for the Red Flag Campaign and Sexual Assault Awareness Month every October and April. 给我们发邮件参与进来.



  • Almost 90% of non-stranger sexual assaults on campus involve alcohol.

  • 43% of the sexual victimization incidents involve alcohol consumption by victims and 69% involve alcohol consumption by the perpetrators.

  • The majority of campus assaults are committed by a small percentage of men who are serial rapists and they often use alcohol to facilitate their crimes.


  • 如果双方都:

  • 分享想法和想法

  • Listens

  • 使用恭敬的语言和手势

  • Is honest

  • Is dependable

  • 相信他们的伴侣

  • 有朋友和家人的支持吗

  • 有平等的决策权吗

  • 在情感上给予支持

  • Is peaceful

  • 尊重隐私和界限

Learn more about healthy relationships and red flags for relationship violence at 红旗运动.




  • 大声反对性别歧视的言论或笑话. 贬低为辱骂埋下了伏笔.
  • 参加绿点旁观者培训.
  • 确保每个人都安全回家.
  • 诚实而清晰地表达你的界限.
  • If you sense someone is at risk for sexual or relationship abuse, seek help.

不要等待别人的反应. 如果你担心某人的安全,采取行动:

Check In: Are You OK?

Distract: 打电话给他们的手机或者问:“我不是要和你一起上课吗??

Separate: 被拖走的是你的车吗?

Get help: Find their friends. 通知酒保/保安或拨打911!!

Schedule a skill building workshop on 旁观者干预 for your fraternity, sorority, student group or team and join us in creating a safe and respectful campus culture. Click Here


  • Sexual Assault is any sexual activity by an individual or group that occurs without the consent of the other person involved.
  • 性侵犯包括, but is not limited to, sexual touching, groping, 强迫或强迫的口舌, 阴道性交或肛交.
  • 未经同意的性行为是违反ODU的 Discrimination Policy and Virginia law.


  • 1 in 5 college women will be the victims of completed or attempted rape in the undergraduate years. (2015年《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》和凯撒家庭基金会调查).
  • 90% of college women who experience rape or sexual assault know their offender (Fischer, Culler, & Turner, 2000).
  • Only 12% of rapes are reported to college police (Kilpatrick et al. 2007). 大多数学生只告诉朋友.
  • 酒精是最常见的强奸药. Use of alcohol by the victim or the perpetrator does not lessen the offender's responsibility for the violence.
  • While the majority of sexual assaults are committed by men against women, 强奸发生在同性伴侣之间, married couples, 以及所有种族的人, incomes and ages.

Please know, 如果你是性侵的幸存者, 你不用为伤害你的人负责, 不管你穿的是什么, drinking or doing.

有关从性侵犯中恢复的更多信息: Get Help

什么是关系虐待/暴力? The objective of abuse is to maintain power and control over a partner and it can take many forms: sexual abuse, psychological abuse, 情感虐待或经济虐待. 关系虐待/暴力对女性和男性都有影响, 不歧视种族, 社会或经济背景. If it occurs between students, it is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

A relationship may be abusive and could become violent if one partner uses:

  • Jealousy-calls or texts constantly, doesn't want partner to be with others
  • Emotional abuse- uses put-downs, excessive teasing and is always finding fault with partner
  • Isolation-wants partner to give up activities that she/he enjoys
  • Coercion- ignores partner's wishes or needs, forces partner to do something against their will
  • Physical and sexual abuse- Grabs or pushes partner, throws or breaks objects, forces sex on partner
  • 责备——避免为他/她的行为负责.

Click here for a safety plan to help a victim intending to leave their abuser.

What is Stalking?

Stalking is a pattern of conduct directed at someone that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. 跟踪是一种可以对任何人实施的犯罪, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, 或者地理位置.

Am I Being stalked?

If you feel threatened by someone's unwanted attention, it could be harassment or stalking. Stalkers stalk to force a relationship with someone who is unavailable. It can happen after a breakup or when someone wants to date a person who does not share their attraction. Stalking can include:

  • Contacting you excessively ( text, email, phone calls, posts etc.)
  • 通过社交媒体或朋友追踪你的行踪
  • 送你不想要的礼物
  • Following you
  • 威胁要伤害你、你的家人、朋友或宠物
  • 破坏你的财产
  • 使用社交媒体或电子邮件来对付你(讨厌), obscene messages, 侵入你的电脑或账户, spamming, 在网上发布你的照片或信息)

跟踪是违反弗吉尼亚法律的. Stalking can also escalate into greater violence such as physical assault or sexual violence. 如果你觉得自己被跟踪了, 向校园警察寻求帮助,757-683-4000和妇女中心, 757-683-4109.

Consider using the Stalking Incident Log from the Stalking Resource Center to document all stalking behavior. Click here

网络跟踪是美国大学校园中一个日益严重的问题. 当你上网时,请遵循以下网络安全提示:

  • Respect yourself and others; think before you hit send. Words typed or pictures posted on a screen can travel far and wide in minutes. 它们会造成重大而持久的伤害.
  • 保持你的私人信息,隐私. Never post your phone number, address or your whereabouts on line.
  • Keep it clean. Sending your inappropriate pictures or illegal content to friends, can come back to haunt you.
  • 对朋友要诚实. Only accept friend requests from people you actually know: not friends of friends of friends...
  • Take the tags off. Tell your friends to ask permission before they tag you in photos or upload those selfies they took at last night's party.
  • 欲知详情,请浏览 Halt Online Abuse.

Why should I go to the emergency room or student health services after a sexual assault?


  • Internal injuries
  • Pregnancy
  • 性传播感染

Emergency contraception is available for $16, over-the-counter at Student Health Services. A medical practitioner can prescribe antibiotics for infections and treat injuries after giving you an exam (charges apply).

Should you wish to have evidence of a recent assault collected (within 72 hours), 不管有没有向警方报告这件事, YWCA的回应计划, 757-622-4300, 会陪你去急诊室吗. There a Forensic Nurse Examiner can collect evidence from your body that can be held for up to six months while you decide whether or not you want to press charges. 为了保存可以在法庭上使用的证据, try not to eat, urinate, shower, 换衣服或梳头发. 如果你真的要换衣服, bring the clothes you were wearing as evidence in a paper bag (not plastic).

For more information about the Physical Evidence Recovery Kit (PERK) exam, visit the RAINN Network website.