Enterprise 风险管理

Everyone is a Risk Manager

ODU seeks to establish a risk-aware institutional culture where consideration of both upside and downside risk is integrated into decision-making at all levels of the organization. The purpose of these guiding principles is to support that culture and set expectations for the behavior of College employees and administrators regarding 风险 and 机会.

  1. 所有个人, regardless of their role at the University, are empowered and expected to report early on to senior management any perceived 风险 or 机会 and any near misses or failures of existing control measures, without fear of retribution.
  2. Risk management is integral to the management and future direction of the University and is a shared responsibility at all levels of the University.
  3. Ownership and management of risk will be retained within the University function, 部门, or unit that creates the risk or is best capable of responding to it.
  4. The University's risk philosophy will guide strategic and operational decisions at all levels.
  5. ODU encourages an open and honest discussion of the institution's environment, 策略, 风险, 机会, and actions taken in pursuit of its objectives.
  6. All credible reports of 风险 or 机会 are responded to promptly, incomplete reports are investigated with integrity by the responsible University official, and information about 风险 or 机会 is shared promptly with senior management and other key stakeholders.

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ODU’s Institutional Risk Philosophy


The University takes a broad view of risk as any event—positive or negative—that could affect the University's competitive position or ability to achieve its mission, 愿景, and strategic objectives.

The University acknowledges that risk, in one form or another, is present in virtually all its endeavors, and that successful risk-taking will often be necessary to achieve its aims.

We therefore do not seek to eliminate all risk; rather, we seek to be risk-aware but not risk- averse, and to effectively manage the uncertainty inherent in our environment.

为此目的, we seek to identify, 理解, 评估, and respond to the 风险 and 机会 we face, taking into account their impact on ODU's people, 站, 声誉, 财务状况, 和性能. We further seek to pursue prudent 风险 or 机会 that we believe will generate sufficient and sustainable performance and value, avoid intolerable 风险, manage residual risk within defined levels, and be prepared to respond to 风险 or appropriate 机会 when necessary.