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University Relations Gradient

奖助金 & 合同 for March 2021

RESEARCH Foundation March 2021 New Project 资金 Activations

大卫·鲍尔斯, VMASC , IRAD: Development of a Novel Remote Sensing Receiver (DiBAR), 阻抗探头, and a Visual+NIR Sensor for a 3U CubeSat 技术 Demonstration of In-Situ Space Measurement and Earth Remote Sensing; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $10,000.00.

康斯坦丁·CIGULAROV, 心理学, 军事 Talent Management: Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Slating and Talent Management; Office of Naval RESEARCH, $120,000.00.

格里高利刀, Ocean and Earth Sciences, SSSE: Acquisition of Synthetic Conducting Cable for Trace Metal-Clean Sampling Winch; National Science Foundation, $180,320.00.

拉斐尔·迪亚兹, VMASC, 赫克托耳加西亚, 凯瑟琳•史密斯, CCI: Virginia State Investments in Port of Virginia; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $77,761.00.

巴里这时警报声响起, VMASC, IRAD: Vaccine Model For VDEM; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $130,724.00.

巴里这时警报声响起, VMASC, Risk and Decision Analytic 支持 to The Commonwealth of Virginia; Virginia Department of 紧急 Management, $325,000.00.

查尔斯·海德, 物理, CY2021 CNF RESEARCH生 Fellowship - Mitchell Kerver; Southeastern Universities RESEARCH Association (SURA), $12,000.00.

UKWATTA JAYARATHNA, 计算机科学, Career: Eye Tracking Streaming Analytics; National Science Foundation, $108,137.00.

JESSICA JOHNSON, VMASC, 凯瑟琳•史密斯, DSB+STEM; Newport News Public Schools, $185,000.00.

KEVIN LESLIE, VMASC, IRAD: HRBRC Admin 支持; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $214,799.00.

YAOHANG李, 计算机科学, CY2021 Center for Nuclear Femtography RESEARCH生 Fellowship; Southeastern Universities RESEARCH Association (SURA), $12,000.00.

MELANI寂寞芳心, Center for Ed Partnership, 乔安娜·加纳, HALLDORA韦伯斯特, Professional Development and Regional Opportunities Generating Computing 资源 and Microcredentials (Program); VA Department of Education, $125,000.00.

严路, VMASC, 萨钦谢蒂, CCI: Moving Choreography to A New Universe: An Ai-Driven 隐私 Automation Approach; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $12,500.00.

库尔特·马利, 计算机科学, Hampton Roads Metropolitan Medical Response System (HRMMRS); HRMMRS - Hampton Roads Metropolitan Medical Strike Team, $50,000.00.

库尔特·马利, 计算机科学, Internet Access for Rural and Underserved Communities Through Wireless Hotspots; Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission, $38,790.00.

SYLVAIN MARSILLAC, Electrical & 计算机中, Post-Growth Recrystallization by Halides for High Throughput Cigs Photovoltaics; Colorado School of Mines, $8,000.00.

CLAUDIA MURATORI, Med Diag & 反式Sci, 艾琳·珀塞尔, Nano-Pulse Stimulation for Treatment of Diabetic Skin and Soft Tissue MRSA Infections; Pulse Biosciences (Electroblate), $269,000.00.

STACIE RINGLEB, Mechanical & 航空航天英格, Black Biomechanists Outreach Program for National Biomechanics Day; American Society of Biomechanics, $1,000.00.

萨钦谢蒂, Computation 建模 and Simulation Eng, 彼得FOYTIK, 罗斯戈尔, Cyber Risk and 弹性 Analytics; Frontier 技术 Inc., $102,000.00.

萨钦谢蒂, Computation 建模 and Simulation Eng, 谭勒, Secure and 隐私 Preserving 5G Network for Connected Vehicles; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $57,523.00.

GYMAMA SLAUGHTER, Electrical & 计算机中, 阿尔文夹, RESEARCH生 RESEARCH Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (G-RISE) Program at 最靠谱的网赌软件; US 公共卫生 服务 (National Institutes of 健康-NIH), $132,609.00.

徐永熙,教学 & 学习, The Long Road from Brown: School Desegregation in Virginia; National Endowment for The Humanities, $34,729.00.

STEPHEN TONELSON, Comm Disorders & 特殊教育, 罗伯特·盖博, 安MAYDOSZ, Norfolk Public Schools: Targeted PBIS- Tier 1; Norfolk Public Schools, $114,561.00.

STEPHEN TONELSON, Comm Disorders & 特殊教育, 安MAYDOSZ, SECEP: Core Foundations of Behavior - Behavioral Skills Training Modules; SECEP (Southeastern Cooperative Educational Programs), $41,364.00.

克里斯托弗ZAJCHOWSKI, 人体运动科学, 乔纳森•戴维斯, RESEARCH to Inform 访问or Use Management at Harpers Ferry National Historic Park; National Park 服务, $80,000.00.

丹赵, 计算机科学, 塔米骰子, (吴, 春生鑫, Old Dominion GenCyber JROTC Students and Teachers Interactive 学习; National Security Agency, $125,000.00.



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