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University Relations Gradient

奖助金 & 合同 for September 2019

RESEARCH Foundation September 2019 New Project 资金 Activations

SHARANA ASUNDI, Mechanical & 航空航天英格, RESEARCH Initiation Award: Magnetic Field Mapping Of Pica/Nano/Micro-Satellites To Facilitate Refinement Of Their Guidance/Navigation Systems And Magnetic Cleanliness; National Science Foundation, $201,637.00.

安娜BULYSHEVA, 生物电学中心, Biofabrication Of Cell-Decorated Telocollagen Fibers Of Extraordinary Strength For Regenerative Tendon And Myotendinous Junction Repair; Embody, $274,620.00.

ANDREW COLLINS, Eng Management & 系统中, DARRYL AMASON, 史蒂文销, 罗斯戈尔, 精卫黄, 詹姆斯LEATHRUM, 克里斯托弗•林奇, 凯瑟琳•史密斯, Automation Tools And Analytics Courses For The Naval Shipyard Project Extension; Naval Sea Systems Command, $663,325.00.

MICHELLE COVI, Ocean, Earth & 大气科学, 格蕾丝•沃克, The Raft: Building Climate 弹性 In Virginia's Northern Neck Through Community Driven Planning And Action; University Of Virginia, $21,991.00.

HANI ELSAYED-ALI, Electrical & 计算机中, Innovative Discovery Science Platform (IDISPLA) RESEARCH; MTEQ Manufacturing 服务s, $30,000.00.

亚历山大·维奇,物理, 琼DELAYEN, Investigation Of New Superconducting Materials For The Next Generation High-Gradient Rf Cavities For Particle Accelerators; US Department Of Energy, $318,500.00.

TINA GUSTIN, Nursing, Telehealth Training FY20; VA Department Of 健康, $72,402.00.

SHUBHAM耆那教徒的, 计算机科学, CNS Core: Medium: Collaborative RESEARCH: Reality-Aware Networks; National Science Foundation, $50,891.00.

SHUBHAM耆那教徒的, 计算机科学, 猎人班纳特, STEPHAN OLARIU, CPS: Small Performance Monitoring Cyber-Physical System For Emerging Fitness Spaces; National Science Foundation, $500,000.00.

VUKICA约万诺维奇, 工程技术, PETROS KATSIOLOUDIS, MURAT KUZLU, OTILIA POPESCU, 琳达VAHALA, (吴, 计算机科学 Principles And 网络安全 Pathway For Career And Technical Education; US Department Of Education, $140,866.00.

克劳迪娅MURATORI, 生物电学中心, 奥尔加PAKHOMOVA, Activation Of The Dendritic Cell - T Cell Axis By NSPEF Treatments; Pulse Biosciences (Electroblate), $300,000.00.

JOHN NUNNERY, Institute For Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Wine RX Task Order 1; Wine RX, $3,654.00.

何塞·帕迪拉, VMASC, 迈克尔•艾伦, 安东尼BARRACO, 约书亚原意, ERIKA FRYDENLUND, Computational Framework For Assessing Absorptive Capacity; Office Of The Secretary Of Defense, $500,064.00.

布莱恩·波特,RESEARCH生院, NOROU DIAWARA, Virginia Seat Belt And Core Surveys 2020; VA Department Of Motor Vehicles, $184,818.00.

布莱恩·波特, RESEARCH生院, YUSUKE YAMANI, Evaluating Evolving Occupant Protection 影响s In Virginia 2020; VA Department Of Motor Vehicles, $116,578.00.

KRZYSZTOF RECHOWICZ, VMASC, Repurposing Computational Analyses Of Tactics For Training Assessments Phase II; Prevailance, 公司., $121,196.19.

马克·雷弗斯,咨询公司 & 人类服务, 克里斯蒂卡莱尔, JEFFRY MOE, 卡洛琳拉特里奇, 詹妮弗•西蒙斯, NARKETTA SPARKMAN-KEY, SHUNTAY塔沃, CHANIECE温菲尔德, Paraprofessional Peer 支持 Expansion Program (PPSEP); US 公共卫生 服务 (健康 资源 And 服务s 政府- HRSA), $900,000.00.

萨钦谢蒂, Computation 建模 And Simulation Engineering, Blockchain Empowered Provenance Framework For Sensor Identity Management And Data Flow Security In Fossil-Based Power Plants; US Department Of Energy, $400,000.00.

CULLEN STRAWN, Dean, 艺术 & 信s, 42nd Annual ODU 文学节; Norfolk Commission On The 艺术 & 人文学科,2000美元.00.

YONGHEE SUH、教学 & 学习, The Long Road From Brown: School Desegregation In Virginia; National Endowment For The Humanities, $169,390.00.

STEPHEN TONELSON, Comm Disorders & 特殊教育, 罗伯特·盖博, 安MAYDOSZ, FY19 Project Aware (Advancing 健康 And Resiliency In Education) Interconnected Systems Framework; Vermont Agency Of Education, $306,573.00.

你VANDECAR-BURDIN, Social Science RESEARCH Center, 2019 Survey Scanning; City Of Virginia Beach, $1,078.00.

ERIC WEISEL, VMASC, SAIKOU迪亚洛, ERIKA FRYDENLUND, Quantifying Mission 影响 For 技术 Alternatives; Stevens Institute Of Tech, $21,875.00.

剑吴, 计算机科学, Opening Books And The National Corpus Of RESEARCH生 RESEARCH; VA Polytech Institute & State University, $177,884.00.

克里斯托弗ZAJCHOWSKI, 人体运动科学, RESEARCH To Inform 访问or Use Management And Planning At National Capital Region Park Units; Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU) National Park 服务, $225,000.00.

QI HARRY ZHANG, Community & 环境卫生, KAYOUNG公园, CHUANYI唐, Understanding WIC Participants' App Usage And Benefit Redemption Behaviors; Duke University, $75,000.00.



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