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奖助金 & 2月份合约 & 2013年3月

RESEARCH基金会宣布了2013年2月和3月的赠款和合同. 奖励金额是整个资助期的预期总额. 该清单不包括补充剂, 对现有赠款或合同的修改或其他更改. 对于多于一名调查员的奖项, 列出的第一个教员是首席RESEARCH员.

史蒂文·贝克尔, Community和环境卫生, "DHS/DNDO Task Force Project 6"; Cazador, 有限责任公司, $378,309.

PETER BERNATH, 化学与生物化学, "Laboratory Astro物理 for Super-Earths"; NASA, $424,770.

着JONNA BOBZIEN, 沟通障碍和特殊教育, "The Utilization of Video Face Replacement 技术 for Routine Clinical Procedures in Children with Autism"; ODU, $46,088. 合著者是电子与计算机工程专业的陈钟豪和口腔卫生专业的ANN BRUHN.

科林腿臀毛, 机械与航空航天工程, "The Monarch Wheel"; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $9,000.

麦切廷和阿萨德·哈塔克, 土木与环境工程, "Investigation of Sources of Congestion at the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel"; Virginia Department of 运输, $98,505.

弗兰克的一天, 生物科学, "Long-term Linear Dynamics of a Coastal Barrier System"; University of Virginia, $15,000.

玛丽ENDERSON, STEM教育和专业RESEARCH, "Virginia Department of Education MASTERI (Mathematics and Science Teacher Education Reform Initiative)"; Virginia Department of Education, $298,795. 菲利普·里德和莎伦·贾奇是共同证人, 达顿教育学院, RICHARD WHITTECAR, 海洋, 地球与大气科学.

罗伯特·盖博和斯蒂芬·托尼尔森, 沟通障碍和特殊教育, "Virginia Tiered System of 支持: Achieving Successful Outcomes for Students with Disabilities"; Virginia Department of Education, $664,853.

奥斯卡冈萨雷斯, 电气与计算机工程, "Control Analysis and Synthesis Methods for Autonomous Fault-tolerant Control"; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $10,000.

HOLLY HANDLEY, engineering management, "Army Manprint-LEM-V-III"; Alion Science and 技术 Corp., $149,847.

帕特里克孵卵器, 化学与生物化学, "A 服务 Agreement to Make Commercial Amounts of High-value Green Specialty Chemicals from a Biodiesel Process Using the ODU Wiped Film Evaporator for the Purpose of Determining Marketability and Commercial Scale-up"; Aqua Terra 国际, 有限责任公司, $3,045,185.

ASAD KHATTAK, 土木与环境工程, "Development of Base Macro and Micro Models for the City of Virginia Beach"; city of Virginia Beach, $352,394. 合伙人是PETER FOYTIK, 迈克·罗宾逊和麦切廷, 维吉尼亚建模, 分析与仿真中心.

画的乡下人, 机械与航空航天工程, "High Reynolds Number Active Blowing Semi-span Force Measurement System Assessment and Development"; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $16,520.

穆尼尔LAROUSSI, 电气与计算机工程, "Development and Testing of Plasma Source for 生物医学 Applications"; Covidien Surgical Solutions, $101,460.

罗兰•劳伦斯, 工程技术, 和琳达·瓦哈拉, 弗兰克·巴顿工程技术学院, "Lightning Electromagnetic Effects on Composites"; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $34,801.

黛布拉主要, 心理学, "GES-RES - Patching the STEM Pipeline Between College and Work: Investigating Gender Issues in Embeddedness"; National Science Foundation, $168,601.

KURT MALY, 计算机科学, "Continuation 资金 for CHIRPXM"; CHIRPXM Inc., $35,824. Also, "Mobile Application Guides"; E&E企业,10.5万美元. Also, "Resite Infrastructure RESEARCH and Analysis"; Resite Online Inc., $9,111. Also, "Continuation 资金 SIMIS Software RESEARCH Design and Development"; SIMIS Inc., 12,936美元,12,936美元和9,425美元.

SYLVAIN MARSILLAC和SHIRSHAK DHALI, 电气与计算机工程, "Development of a Test Facility for Photovoltaic Systems"; Dominion 资源 服务s, $500,000.

玛格丽特·穆赫兰和彼得·塞德威克, 海洋, 地球与大气科学, "Collaborative RESEARCH: 影响s of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on the Biogeochemistry of Oligotrophic Coastal Waters"; National Science Foundation, $292,177和140美元,336.

戴尔纳什, 弗吉尼亚商业太空飞行管理局, "FY13 VCSFA Operations"; Virginia Department of 运输, $5,000,000. Also, with BILLIE REED, VCSFA, "Demo Launch"; Orbital Science Corp., $500,000.

MANWO NG, 建模, 仿真与可视化工程, "Synergistic Traffic Counting: A Cost-Effective Solution to Traffic Count Collection"; University of Virginia, $40,000.

杰瑞·罗伯逊, ODU业务网关, "退伍军人 Business Outreach Center Program - Boots to Business"; Small Business 政府, $59,000.

玛丽沙, 弗吉尼亚太空资助协会, "Debbie Murray to RIT Future Stewards Program Innovation and mentoring Meeting"; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $1,180. 此外,“黛比·默里将参加在北卡罗来纳州夏洛特举行的NASA教育/招聘活动.C."; NIAA, $2,557.

所罗门谢菲, 维吉尼亚建模, 分析与仿真中心, "Hurricane Evacuation Encouragement Demonstrator Phases 3-6"; Virginia Department of 紧急 Management, $75,000.

你VANDECAR-BURDIN, 社会科学RESEARCH中心, "DBHDS Human Rights Office Consulting 服务s - Stakeholder Feedback/Human Rights Regulations Quick Quote"; Virginia Department of Mental 健康/Mental Retardation, $12,062. Also, "QMR Family Interviews"; Virginia Department of mental 健康/Mental Retardation, $17,309.

LEPOSAVA VUSKOVIC, 物理, "Characterizing Supersonic Flow with Inert Gases"; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $19,881.

史蒂文走, 工程技术, "Info Graphics Competition Project"; World Tech 国际, 有限责任公司, $4,500. MICHELE WEIGLE是联合检察官, 计算机科学, 沈禹忠, 建模, 仿真与可视化工程.



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