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University Relations Gradient

奖助金 & Contracts for 7月 2012


The Research Foundation announces the following grants and contracts for 7月 2012. Award amounts are totals expected for the entire funding period. The list does not include supplements, modifications or other changes to existing grants or contracts. For awards that have more than one investigator, the first faculty member listed is the principal investigator.

KEVIN ADAMS, principal research scientist, National Center for System of System Engineering, "System of Systems Engineering Short Course"; Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, $24,856.

NATHANIEL APATOV, associate professor of nursing, "Old Dominion University Nurse Anesthesia Education and Training Grant"; U.S. Public 健康 服务, $9,303.

LARRY ATKINSON, professor and Eminent Scholar of ocean, earth and atmospheric sciences, "MACAROOS Year 2"; State University of New Jersey, $130,000.

IAN BARTOL, associate professor of biological sciences, "Analysis of Cetacean Stomach Contents"; Virginia Aquarium Foundation Inc., $19,514.

JAMES BLANDO, assistant professor of community and environmental health, "Violence Prevention in 健康care Facilities"; National Institute of Occupational 安全 and 健康, $72,097.

ALEXANDER BOCHDANSKY, associate professor of ocean, earth and atmospheric sciences, "Collaborative Research: Tracing the Fate of Algal Carbon Export in the Ross Sea"; National Science Foundation, $299,367.

MARK BUTLER, professor and Eminent Scholar of biological sciences, "Lobster Fishery Research"; Government of the Bahamas, $21,485.

KENT CAPRENTER, professor of biological sciences, "Determining the Effects of Cultured Pear Farming on Shorefish Biodiversity in Lagoon Environments of French Polynesia"; National Geographic Society, $14,796. 也 "Thomas W. Haas Foundation for Marine Conservation"; Old Dominion University, $95,000.

RAO CHAGANTY, professor of mathematics and statistics, "CBP 2012 - Supplementary Data Management"; Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, $20,484.

DANIEL DAUER, professor and Eminent Scholar of biological sciences, "2012 CPB Project - Benthic Monitoring"; Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, $226,753. 也, "2012 CBP Project - Data Analysis"; Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, $87,642.

JEAN DELAYEN, professor of physics, "Development of a Superconducting 700MHZ Multi-spoke Injector for a MW Class FEL"; Niowave Inc., $50,000.

JOHN DONAT, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry, "2012 CBP Project - Water Quality Monitoring"; Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, $606,467.

TODD FANTZ, assistant professor, PETROS KATSIOLOUDIS, assistant professor, and DANIEL DICKERSON, associate professor, STEM education and professional studies, "Fabrication Using 3D 打印ers in Space"; Virginia Space Grant Consortium, $10,000.

PATRICK HATCHER, professor of chemistry and biochemistry, "Assistant Research Scientist in Air-Sea Flux"; College of William and Mary, $49,013.

HAROLD MARSHALL, Morgan Professor Emeritus of biological sciences, "Data Needs for Assessing Numeric CHLA Criteria of the James River Estuary Relative to Subtasks 1.1 and 1.2 in Both the Upper and Lower James River"; Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, $59,840. 也, "2012 CBP Project - Phytoplankton Monitoring," Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, $124,172.

SYLVAIN MARSILLAC, associate professor, and SHIRSHAK DHALI, professor, electrical and computer engineering, "Embedded 健康 Monitoring for Large-scale Solar Power Systems" Center for Innovative Technology, $150,000.

GAYLE MCCOMBS, associate professor of dental hygiene, "Protocol for MIS Implant"; MIS Implants Technologies Inc., $70,023.

YIANNIS PAPELIS, research professor, and MENION CROLL, senior project scientist, Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center, "Software Interface Work for Physical Therapy"; Old Dominion University, $16,700.

PILAR PAZOS-LAGO, assistant professor of engineering management, "Evaluation of Virginia Natural Gas Energy Conservation Programs 2009-2011"; Virginia Natural Gas, $18,000.

MARY SANDY, director of the Virginia Space Grant Consortium, "Virginia Space Coast Academy (ODU); Old Dominion University, $220,000. 也, "Virginia Space Grant/State Council of Higher Education for Virginia Scholarships"; SCHEV, $245,000. 也, Virginia Space Grant Consortium On-campus STEM Residential Programs (UVa)"; University of Virginia, $218,000.

JOHN SOKOLOWSKI, executive director, Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center, "Tech Support to GZD Dahlgren"; Naval Surface Weapons Center, $394,940.

CHARLES SUKENIK, professor of physics, "ANL Grad Partnership"; Argonne National Laboratories, $36,100.

LEPSHA VUSKOVIC, professor and Eminent Scholar of physics, "Test Support for the Development of Hypersonic Boundary Layer Control Devices"; NASA Langley Research Center, $1,000.

XIXI WANG, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, "Dynamic Interrelation Among Hydrology, Soil and Vegetation of a Typical Steppe Watershed in Inner Mongolia of China"; Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, $31,282.

NANCY XU, professor of chemistry and biochemistry, "NIRT: Design of Biocompatible Nanoparticles for Probing Living Cellular Functions and Their Potential Environmental 影响s"; National Science Foundation, $2,000. 也, "GSRP Support for Lauren Browning"; National Science Foundation, $34,626.

MOHAMMAD ZUBAIR, professor of computer science, "CBP 2012 Supplementary Data Analysis"; Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, $20,484.

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