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你来参观. 韦伯狮子喷泉. 2017年6月1日. 大卫·B. 霍林

ODU 出国留学 Students to Share Experiences from “Paris/奥斯维辛集中营” Holocaust Trip

最靠谱的网赌软件 will conclude a series of Jewish Education Week events Wednesday with a program presented by students 谁 recently returned from a spring break study abroad trip to Europe, where they studied the experiences of French and Polish Jews during the Holocaust.

The Paris/奥斯维辛集中营 course was designed by history professor Annette Finley-Croswhite, 谁, 与历史学助理教授布雷特·贝伯合作, led a group of 18 ODU students on the 10-day trip to France and Poland. 该课程包括参观犹太教堂, 大屠杀博物馆, 被称为德朗西的驱逐营, the 奥斯威辛/比克瑙和Płaszów concentration camps and a meeting with Holocaust survivors.

Students 谁 participated in the Paris/奥斯维辛集中营 study abroad trip will share their experiences during a program from 6:30-8:30 p.m. 4月9日在韦伯中心的汉普顿/纽波特纽斯室. 该活动免费向公众开放. It is being presented in conjunction with ODU's inaugural Jewish Education Week, which is a collaborative effort among the ODU communication and theatre arts, history and philosophy and religious studies departments; the Institute for the Humanities; Hillel, the Jewish student organization; the Institute for Jewish Studies and Interfaith Understanding; and the 跨文化关系办公室.

Finley-Croswhite wants the Holocaust study abroad course to change students' lives.

"It's an immense undertaking and fraught with intellectual and emotional angst - and the single most important thing I do as teacher,她说.

每年的课程从法国开始, 学生参观犹太教堂的地方, 大屠杀博物馆和被称为德朗西的驱逐营, 其中76人居多,在法国被驱逐到东方的000名犹太人经过这里. 他们还会见了大屠杀幸存者.

拉斐尔Esrail, 91岁的幸存者, 告诉大家:“我很快就要死了, but I want you to shout to the 谁le world what I'm telling you today: that some men and women did terrible things to other men and women only because they were Jewish."

这样的教训在波兰更加严重, 让学生们面对反犹太的涂鸦. They also visited the site of the former Płaszów concentration camp, 因史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格的《最靠谱的网赌软件》而出名." A major part of the trip involved spending eight hours at 奥斯维辛集中营/Birkenau, 这是纳粹建造的最大的灭绝营, 在1.三百万犹太人被杀.

“这是我的希望,芬利-克劳斯怀特说, 在看了Drancy之后, 奥斯威辛/比克瑙和Płaszów, students will leave my class with an indelible memory of the ramifications of remaining silent and a greater commitment to the perpetuation of equality, 正义与民主价值观."

RESEARCH生 student Stephanie Hawthorne spoke of the profound effect the trip had on her emotionally.

"I am brokenhearted and emotionally distressed in studying this history, but it is the appreciation of life - those 谁 were lost and those 谁 survived - that is most moving to me,她说.

Finley-Croswhite and Bebber also want students to appreciate the enduring history of the Jewish experience, 而不仅仅是大屠杀所定义的因素. 学生参观犹太教堂, 吃民族食品, 听听传统的克莱兹默音乐,听听犹太人的声音, 这通常是他们第一次跨宗教体验的一部分.

"I defeated Hitler," Holocaust survivor Esther Senot told them in Paris. “和我的三个孩子, 六个孙子和六个曾孙, I look to the future even while educating others about the past."

2013年10月, Finley-Croswhite applied to the Tidewater Jewish Foundation (TJF) for a grant to fund one scholarship for a Jewish student to participate in the Holocaust-themed study abroad course. Matching funds were requested from various divisions within the university - the history department, 艺术与文学学院, the Institute for Jewish Studies and Interfaith Understanding and the Office of 出国留学. 赠款全部由TJF和ODU提供, creating a one-time scholarship covering the entire cost of the trip and tuition for the course. 一笔小额津贴包括在开支中. 1月,奖学金颁发给了艾玛·李约瑟.

李约瑟是一名跨学科RESEARCH专业的大四学生, 希勒尔的财务秘书和梅斯的特约撰稿人 & 皇冠. She has always been interested in the Holocaust and knows that members of her mother's family died in Poland during the Holocaust.

“我的宗教信仰决定了我是什么样的人, and I believe this amazing opportunity has provided me with a chance to find a 谁le new part of myself, 骄傲:宗教和精神上的骄傲, 我以前从不知道它的存在,李约瑟谈到自己的留学经历时说. "It gave me a chance to view several different perspectives on Judaism and the events during the Holocaust that I had never before even considered, 我现在可以与Community分享. It truly was a life-changing experience that I will forever hold dear. I'm so appreciative to the Tidewater Jewish Foundation and 最靠谱的网赌软件 for making this experience possible for me."

To learn more about international learning opportunities at ODU, visit the 留学网站.



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