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Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions below, and 最靠谱的网赌软件 if you have any additional questions.

Am I eligible to be a VBOC client?

Our services are available to:

  • active duty service members,
  • 退伍军人、
  • service disabled 退伍军人、
  • U.S. military reservists,
  • 国民警卫队,

and the dependents of all the above, including transitioning service members eligible for participation in the DOD/DOL Transition Assistance Program (TAP).

How do I get started?

If you are an eligible client, to get started you must:

  1. 在线报名
    首先, 报名 online so that your information will be entered into our database.
  2. 联系 the ODU VBOC
    After signing up online, please contact our admin office via phone at 757-683-5505 or email at vboc@promisesurfing.net to get more information on our 培训活动 or schedule a time to meet with one of our VBOC counselors.
  3. Attend a training event or meet with a VBOC Counselor
    Finally, attend one of our many 培训活动 to learn more about starting and growing your small business. Or meet with one of our VBOC counselors to assess your needs and get you started on your journey to entrepreneurship and business success!

How much do VBOC services cost?

Because of our partnership with the SBA, VBOC services and programs are available 免费 to eligible clients.

Some VBOC and IIE events, such as special trainings and seminars, may have a cost associated with them which will be listed in the event info.

Where can I park when I go to VBOC?

You can park at the MacArthur Center- Dillards side. It is $1 for 3 hours.

You can also park in the Fountain Park Garage which is located at 130 Bank St, 诺福克 VA 23510.

Fountain Park Garage Hours
Open 24 hours / 7 days per week
Length of Time/Rate
1 to 2 Hours $ 3.00
2 to 3 Hours $ 4.50
3 to 4 Hours $ 6.00
4 to 5 Hours $ 7.50
5到6小时$ 9.00
6 to 7 Hours $ 10.50
7 to 8 Hours $ 11.00
Maximum Daily Rate (up to 24 Hours) $ 13.00
Lost Ticket/Per Day $ 13.00
6 p.m. 到晚上9点.m./Evening Rate $3.00
9 p.m. 到3a.m./Evening Rate $5.00
Special Event Rate/Collect-On-Entry $ 5.00


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