

  1. 员工 with a work-related accident/injury or illness shall notify their supervisor and Absence 项目 Coordinator immediately following a work-related accident/injury, 并遵守所有适用的弗吉尼亚疾病和残疾计划(VSDP) & 工人赔偿政策和程序.

  2. 监事 shall notify the Absence 项目 Coordinator immediately when an employee is expected to be absent for any period of time for a work-related injury or illness. 监事 shall notify 人力资源 as soon as possible when an employee is expected to be absent for more than five consecutive workdays for a personal injury, 疾病或其他医疗原因. 主管和员工应遵守适用的VSDP, 人力资源管理部的休假政策, 工人赔偿政策和程序.

  3. 员工 returning to full duty following any absence resulting from a work-related accident/injury or from a personal injury or illness excused by an authorized medical provider, must provide their supervisor with documentation from the authorized medical provider which excuses (no duty) the just concluded absence and recommends return to full duty, 如果适用的话. 如果授权医疗提供者建议减轻或修改责任, 该文件必须提供给员工的主管. 员工 may not return to work following an absence excused by an authorized medical provider, without documentation from the authorized medical provider which approves/authorizes return to work in a full, 轻型或改进型工作状态.

  4. 主管和员工, 与人力资源部缺勤计划协调员合作 shall, 五(5)个工作日内, review the authorized medical provider's light or modified duty recommendations/restrictions. 只要有可能,该员工应被分配到RTWDA. If disagreement arises between the supervisor and the employee concerning the capabilities of the employee or the appropriateness of the RTWDA, 该事项应, 五(5)个工作日内, be referred to upper management within the supervisor's/employee's department and the Department of 人力资源 Absence 项目 Coordinator.

  5. 员工的主管, 与人力资源部缺勤计划协调员合作, 使用授权医疗提供商提供的轻型/修改后的关税限制, 应为任何指定的RTWDA(光)完成RTW职位要求工作表, 修改或替代职责). 此工作表应由主管和员工共同审阅, signed by the supervisor and by the employee and forwarded to the Department of 人力资源 RTW Coordinator. A copy of the physician's or VSDP Third Party Administrator (TPA) document that establishes the duty restrictions shall be attached to the RTW Position Requirements Worksheet. 在需要澄清RTWDA的限制或适用性的情况下, a copy of the RTW Position Requirements Worksheet and the Employee's Work Profile will be provided to the

  6. RTWDAs shall be temporary (except where there may be implications concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act - ADA) and made available to those employees who are expected to return to full duty in their previously held position in the home department. 应评估长期限制是否适用于《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》. rtwda的期限为30个日历日,通常不得超过120天. 30天结束时, 主管与部门管理层协商, and the Department of 人力资源 may terminate the RTWDA assignment thus placing the employee on 离开 With or Without Pay, VSDP短期残疾, 长期伤残或个人/工伤假, 适当的. 具体情况具体分析, 由主管决定, 与复工委员会协商, 无法返回工作岗位的员工也可以:

    a. 继续执行为期30天的RTWDA任务, 一般不超过120天, 在每个增量之后进行审查;

    b. be required to explore the option of requesting a leave of absence; be required to explore the option of filing for a VRS disability retirement, 如果合格;

    c. 被要求探索追求其他就业机会.

  7. RTWDAs must meet department/university staffing needs and accommodate the employee's medical restrictions while taking into consideration the welfare and safety of the employee and their co-workers.

  8. A RTWDA shall not exceed the level of responsibility of the regularly assigned position/function.

  9. rtwda可能会改变, 升级, or changed in a manner consistent with medical restrictions and in accordance with the employee's condition.

  10. 各部门应在其职责范围内审视所有领域, 不仅仅是回归员工的职位, 可供选择的轻型及改装rtwda.

  11. 如果内政部内没有轻型或改装的RTWDA, the home department supervisor shall notify the Return to Work Coordinator and seek an alternate duty assignment in a host department. If a host department alternate duty assignment is not available the home department supervisor shall notify the Return to Work Coordinator.

  12. 资金 of the employee's position shall be the responsibility of the home department regardless of the location of the RTWDA.

  13. 家庭或接待部门主管, 是适用的, shall review the RTWDA monthly to evaluate the employee's progress toward return to regular duties. The employee may be requested to provide updated medical information concerning physical capabilities and prognosis from the authorized medical provider during this review. The host department supervisor shall keep the home department supervisor and the Absence 项目 Coordinator advised of the employee's status following each four week evaluation.

  14. The employee and supervisor shall notify the Absence 项目 Coordinator on the employee's return to regular work from light, 修改或替代职责. The employee shall provide a written release for full duty from the authorized medical provider prior to the employee's return to full duty. An employee may not return to full duty without a release to full duty from the authorized medical provider.

  15. 监事 shall maintain adequate documentation to ensure equal opportunities have been afforded. 所有文件的副本应转发给缺勤计划协调员.