
CCSER Conference Room

A primary mission of ODU's Center for 网络安全 Education and 研究 (CCSER) is to develop high-impact, cross-disciplinary research initiatives that center on cybersecurity and be a source of cybersecurity expertise to the University, the Hampton Roads region, and the Commonwealth of Virginia.

网络安全, Communications & Networking 创新 (CCNI) Lab

Dr. Chunsheng Xin, Electrical & Computer Engineering

The 网络安全, Communications & Networking 创新 (CCNI) Lab at Old Dominion University was founded in 2013 by Dr. ChunSheng Xin through the generous support of Old Dominion University and the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Consortium in Cyber Resillient Energy Delivery Systems

Dr. Sachin Shetty, Dept. MSVE & VMASC

The Cyber Resilient Energy Delivery Consortium (CREDC) works to make energy delivery system (EDS) cyber infrastructure more secure and resilient.

Critical Infrastructure Resillience Institute

Dr. Sachin Shetty, Dept. MSVE & VMASC

From aging systems to natural disasters, and from equipment failures to deliberate attacks by hostile entities, critical infrastructure systems are facing a myriad of challenges. Solutions must address the cyber, 物理, and human dimensions so CIRI has assembled an interdisciplinary team that draws expertise from engineering, 业务, 法律, 政治科学, 经济学, 和更多的.

Human-Centered 网络安全

Dr. Jeremiah Still, Dept. 的心理学

Implicit cognitive processes that can be used to help designers develop intuitive interfaces. The PoD lab is currently developing models to predict eye movements within interfaces. Helping designers guide users effectively through interfaces.

道德 & Political Philosophy of Information Flows

Dr. D.E. Wittkower,部门. 的哲学 & 宗教研究

Thinking about information ethics in terms of data ownership and PII (personally identifiable information) fails to capture the rich and complicated ways that information flows mediate and modulate personal relationships, build or squander trust and brand identification in digital commerce, and build user-technology relationships. Use of ethics of care in addition to the legal-juridical model of privacy can also help programmers and designers to better think about users' mental models of privacy, and can help brands relate to users and consumers in a more mindful and respectful way. It is also of central importance to consider how user identity (e.g. race, gender, sexuality, disability, religion, etc.) conditions information flows, and how design and development often produces effects that exacerbate existing inequalities unless it is actively anti-discriminatory.

健康care Information Security

Dr. Sachin Shetty, Dept. 的MSVE & VMASC in Collaboration with Sentara 健康care

Old Dominion University and Norfolk, Virginia-based Sentara 健康care have teamed up to test the mettle of the blockchain digital ledger tool and assess its ability to protect the integrity of personal health data in the cloud.