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  • 博士后RESEARCH员: Department of Biochemistry, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK. 1996 - 2000.
  • 博士: Department of Biochemistry, Liverpool University, UK. 1995
  • M.S: Department of Pharmacology, Beijing Medical University, P. R. 中国. 1988
  • 医学博士: Medical School, Hubei University of Science and 技术, P. R. 中国. 1982


李的选秀 实验室管理People员

JiaJun江, Ph.D. 学生. 与博士共同督导. C.H. 陈(ECE)和博士. M.G. Kong (CBE及ECE)


My research interest is primarily in cellular and molecular targets of physical plasma and how these targets may be tested in clinically relevant models to identify new ways to improve the prognosis of patients suffering with 感染, 癌症, 或者器官损伤. A key motivation is that mammalian cells produce diverse reactive oxygen species (ROS) and 离子, 有氧呼吸产物, 调节细胞增殖, 分化, 迁移, 以及其他信号事件, suggesting that cell funct离子 may be therapeutically manipulated with exogenous ROS and 离子. 有趣的是, ROS, 离子, and other reactive molecules are also generated by physical plasma, such as cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) formed near room temperature in open air. This remarkable similarity in products between mammalian cells and CAP opens up an exciting avenue to novel intervention strategies. 值得注意的, promising results are observed from clinical trials testing efficacy and safety of CAP treatment for chronic wounds or tumors. 给n these and in close collaboration with engineers and physicists, I focus on novel targets of CAP that may improve current treatments of 癌症, 感染, 还有受伤的组织.

在癌症治疗领域, our laboratory has a long-term interest in 癌症 cell survival pathways and their multiple roles in promoting 癌症 drug resistance. One such pathway is PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling and their crosstalks with other players, such as transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b) and smad (Massague, Nat. 牧师. 摩尔. 细胞生物. 2012). By leveraging my experience in TGF-b/smad signaling (Yang et al. 流通物, 2005), our team developed a CAP-based strategy to target Akt/mTOR/HIF-1a signaling as well as glycolytic metabolism and deregulated redox homeostasis, 所有重要的癌细胞存活途径. This hypothesis is confirmed with in vitro and in vivo models of chronic myeloid leukemia and reveals that an exceptionally low-dose CAP both blocks three major routes to therapy resistance and induces high-rate apoptotic death in therapy resistant 癌症 cells (Guo et al, PNAS, 2021).

With the above advance and given the role of the TGF-b /smad signaling in immune cells (Yang et al. 趋势Immunol. 2010), we became interested in whether CAP may be used to beneficially target autoimmune disorders. 使用白癜风小鼠模型, we find that CAP treatment suppresses T-cell attack on melanocytes and promotes repigmentation of areas of vitiligo lesion. 有趣的是, a gel prepared with CAP activation is equally effective against T-cell attack and for skin repigmentation. The translation potential of plasma-activated gel led to a collaborative effort with clinical dermatologists to test it on patients with focal vitiligo and this clinical study shows promising efficacy and safety data (Zhai et al. J. 投资. 北京医学. 2021).

Antimicrobial properties of CAP are well documented for planktonic bacteria, however its activity in microbes protected inside a biofilm matrix is usually modest. Working with engineers to identify novel rection chemistry that can break down the biofilm matrix, we recently show that the effluent of a specially designed CAP can break down biofilm matrix and kill bacteria within at the distal end of a 2.2米内窥镜(Bhatt等). 胃肠内镜检查 2019,). 类似的, we find that water appropriately pretreated with CAP is capable of disarming the ability of SARS-CoV-2 to bind to mammalian cells, thus offering an antivirus strategy to help mitigate environmental transmission of the virus (Guo et al. 化学. 英格. J. 2021). 目前, we are exploring the in vivo antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of CAP for biofilm-infected wounds. 另外, we are exploring novel signaling pathways that may be targeted by CAP for tissue regeneration.



  1. 郭,B.波米特,A. D.,李,F.b、b、S.陈,C.黄,C.德宁格,M. W. 香港米. G. 和陈海.-C. 2021. Trident cold atmospheric plasma blocks three 癌症 survival pathways to overcome therapy resistance. Proc. 国家的. 阿德莱德大学. 美国科学 118, e2107220118
  2. 翟,年代.徐,M.李,Q.,郭,Q.郭,K.陈,H. L.孔,M. G. & 夏,Y. 2021. Successful treatment of vitiligo with cold atmospheric plasma-activated hydrogel. J. 皮肤病学RESEARCH 141, 2710-2719.e6
  3. 郭,我.,姚,Z.杨,L.张,H.,齐,Y.郭,L., Xi, W.刘博士. X.张,L.,程,Y.,王,X,荣. M.陈,H.孔,M. G. 2021. Plasma-activated water: An alternative disinfectant for S protein inactivation to prevent SARS-CoV-2 感染. 化学. 英格. J. 421: 127742
  4. Bhatt,年代., Mehta, P.陈,C.施耐德,C.怀特,L.陈,H. L. & 香港毫克. 2019. Efficacy of low-temperature plasma activated gas dis感染 against biofilm on contaminated GI endoscope channels. 胃肠内镜 89, 105 - 114.
  5. 杨,X. D., Long, L, Southwood, M.鲁达拉坎查那,n.n.P .厄普顿. D.杰弗里,T. A.阿特金森,C.陈,H. L., Trembath R. C. & 莫雷尔,W. N. 2005. Dysfunctional smad signalling contributes to abnormal smooth muscle cell proliferation in familial pulmonary arterial hypertension. 流通物 96, 1053-1063


  • 海外RESEARCH奖学金 英国Education大臣, 1991
  • 英国心脏基金会RESEARCH奖学金, 英国心脏基金会, 2000.



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