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College of Arts & LettersGraduate Programs


Applied Linguistics (M.A.)

应用语言学硕士课程为学生攻读高级研究生或在大学任教做准备, schools, or businesses in the U.S. or abroad. 该计划的两个重点是向其他语言的人教授英语(TESOL)和社会语言学. 该课程的学生也可以获得TESOL证书和/或使用该课程中的适当课程作为获得弗吉尼亚联邦认可英语作为第二语言的要求.

Batten Arts and Letters Bldg 15

Creative Writing (M.F.A.)

创意写作美术硕士学位被广泛认为是一个终极学位. 该课程旨在帮助学生为成为小说出版作家做好准备, poetry, or creative nonfiction. 另一个目标是让学生在专业上做好准备——不仅仅是为大学水平的教学做准备(这是大多数硕士的实际职业目标).F.A. programs in creative writing), 但也适合文学编辑和出版的职业, 或者作为自由撰稿人(杂志), newspapers, reviews, and features).

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Criminology & Criminal Justice (Ph.D.)

The Ph.D. 犯罪学和刑事司法是一个社会学犯罪学课程,强调在犯罪和司法问题研究中的社会不平等和公共政策. 该计划产生了在犯罪学实质性领域具有强大背景的学者, criminal justice, theory, inequality, 还有政策,方法和统计. 主要为有兴趣追求学术事业的学生设计, 该项目还为学生在学术界以外的研究事业做准备.

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English (M.A.)

英语文学硕士课程培养文学和文本分析以及写作的能力. 该项目提供文学专业, the teaching of English, rhetoric and composition, and professional writing. The program prepares students for further study in English and allied fields; for professional writing and editing; for teaching in secondary schools and colleges; for careers in government and industry; and for other professions requiring analytical, literary, linguistic, digital media, or writing skills.

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English (Ph.D.)

The Ph.D. 英语是一个创新的项目,整合了写作, rhetoric, discourse, technology, literary, and textual studies. 学生可以通过校内和远程学习课程的结合进行全日制或非全日制学习. 有四个重点:写作, Rhetoric, and Discourse Studies; Literary and Cultural Studies; Technology and Media Studies; and a student-created concentration. 该课程为学生的学术生涯做准备, 以及其他需要阅读和写作的职业.

Student Reading

History (M.A.)

历史系提供历史专业的文学硕士学位课程. 该系还提供海事史研究生证书.


Humanities (M.A.)

人文文学硕士促进跨学科研究,重点是批判理论和文化研究, 允许学生追求个性化的学习计划,包括学院内各个部门的课程. There are seven concentration areas that students can choose from: Cultural and Human Geography; Cultural Studies and Critical Theory; Gender and Sexuality Studies; Interdisciplinary Studies; Media and Popular Culture Studies; Philosophy and Religious Studies; and Visual Studies.

UN Day 2017

International Studies (M.A. and Ph.D.)

Old Dominion University offers M.A. and Ph.D. 通过国际研究研究生课程(GPIS)获得国际研究学位. GPIS is an interdisciplinary unit, 提供全球问题和跨国问题的高级研究和研究生培训. Fields of concentration include: U.S. Foreign Policy and International Relations; Conflict and Cooperation; International Political Economy and Development; Interdependence and Transnationalism; Comparative and Regional Studies; Modeling and Simulation; and Cultural Studies.

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Lifespan & Digital Communication (M.A.)

生命和数字传播艺术硕士专注于人类传播和数字媒体的研究,因为它们在整个生命周期中发展. 理解和分析生命传播与数字媒体之间不可分割的关系是21世纪大多数工作成功的关键, 特别是在应用研究和政策相关的就业领域, community networking and outreach, creative industries, education and training, and health and wellness.

Eighth Blackbird Master Class

Music Education (M.M.E.)

音乐教育硕士学位为学生提供了应用表演/指挥专业的选择, Research, and Pedagogy. 研究生学位的目的是发展基础广泛的原则和实践在音乐和音乐教育的应用在公立或私立学校的先进知识, private studio, or higher education setting.

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