SCHEV Outst和ing 教师奖


维吉尼亚州高等教育委员会(SCHEV)每年都会表彰维吉尼亚大学两年制和四年制的教师, public 和 private institutions of higher learning since 1987. 该奖项的获得者代表了教学、奖学金和服务的最高标准. 自1987年以来,最靠谱的网赌软件(ODU)的37名教师获得了该奖项.

弗吉尼亚州高等教育国务委员会(SCHEV)是联邦高等教育的协调机构, 以促进教育和经济健全的发展和运作为使命, 充满活力的, 进步, 和 coordinated system of higher education.

SCHEV presents Outst和ing 教师奖 every year to deserving professors. 杰出教师奖是联邦对弗吉尼亚州公立和私立学院和大学教师的最高荣誉. 这些奖项旨在表彰在教学、研究和公共服务方面取得的卓越成就.

关于SCHEV杰出教师奖的更多信息可以在SCHEV上找到 网站.

SCHEV杰出教师奖(OFA)提名者和获奖者将在春季教师颁奖晚宴上得到认可. SCHEV OFA获奖者将永久拥有该头衔,并在大学出版物中进行标识. 所有SCHEV OFA获奖者的名字将被刻在大学显眼的牌匾上.


For integration of 研究 和 instruction, 我们将优先考虑那些开发了鼓励在不同学习者群体中应用和传播研究性知识的项目的候选人,这些项目的影响已经超出了大学的范围. Evidence of impact can include, 例如, work being featured in print 和 broadcast media, partnerships that extend beyond the academy, 以及参与涉及我们时代紧迫问题的更广泛的对话.

Nominees shall have met the following criteria:

  • Outst和ing teaching performance in the areas of 教学, 发现 (i.e., 研究), “知识整合和服务”获教学奖认可,并得到学生和同事的支持.
  • In the area of 研究, nominees should have produced recognized creative works, 出版的书, 撰写了大量被评审的文章和/或获得了重要的外部资助.
  • Have won awards for their work.
  • Have significant records of professional 和 community service, the impact of which has been recognized by community 和/or disciplinary leaders.

提名程序 & 时间表


ODU may nominate six regular faculty members 和 one "rising star.“一颗冉冉升起的新星必须作为全职教师连续服务少于6年,并且必须至少在弗吉尼亚州的机构服务第三年.


杰出教师奖委员会将在春季审查提名并选出大学的提名者. 教务处的一名代表将与大学的每一位提名者合作,在9月底之前制作最终的提名包,提交给SCHEV.

Friday, February 9, 2024

Nominations (including yourself) are due to the department/school chair.

Submission MUST include:

  • a short letter of nomination
  • 更新的简历
  • summary of student opinion surveys
Friday, February 23, 2024

The Chair submits the completed nomination packet(s) to the dean's 办公室. 这样院长就可以在将提名提交给负责教务的副教务长之前审查这些包,并添加一封支持信 & 战略行动.

星期五,2024年3月8日 院长将完成的提名包提交给负责教务的副教务长 & 战略行动 办公室 via
Tuesday, March 12, 2024 The Vice Provost for 教师 Affairs & 战略计划办公室将提名包上传到SharePoint网站,并通知杰出教师奖委员会.
2024年3月29日,星期五 杰出教师奖委员会的建议由负责教师事务的副教务长提出 & 战略行动.

SCHEV Outst和ing 教师 奖

(OFA) Nomination Check Sheet

Please submit a nomination letter, a CV, 和 a sampling of Student Opinion Surveys. You may submit other additional materials.


Nominees should have significant accomplishments in the following areas:

  • 教学
  • 发现
  • 知识集成
  • 服务

These accomplishments should also reflect the ODU mission (see below).


Submit to Vice Provost for 教师 Affairs & 战略行动

The Mission of Old Dominion University

"Old Dominion University, 位于诺福克市,位于弗吉尼亚州沿海的汉普顿路地区, 是一个充满活力的公共研究机构,为学生服务,丰富弗吉尼亚联邦, the nation 和 the world through rigorous academic programs, 战略合作伙伴关系, 和 active civic engagement."

使命宣言的使命支持部分详细描述了大学本科和研究生教学的原则和实践, 研究, 和 service missions: a sound general educational program; critical thinking; diversity; academic freedom; serving the needs of the local, 国家, 和 inter国家 communities, including military members 和 their families; 和 collaborating with government, 行业, 和校友. 最后, 大学的主要目标如下:学生, 教师, 学术项目, 教学, 研究, Scholarship 和 Creativity, 远程学习, 终身学习, 社区服务, 学生生活, 校友, 和质量.

使命和主要目标的完整声明可以在最靠谱的网赌软件找到 本科目录 和 研究生目录.

SCHEV Outst和ing 教师奖

奖 & 演讲

被提名者将从研究副校长那里获得一次性500美元的奖励,以支持学术活动, 他们将在秋季由教务长举办的午宴和春季教师颁奖晚宴上受到表彰,还将受到大学访问委员会的表彰.

Winners will receive a $7,500年奖, funded by the Dominion Foundation, 并将在一个特别的活动中得到大会的认可和总监的表彰. Since 1987 when the program began, 37 Old Dominion University faculty members have received this award.


2011: Mark Butler, Biological Sciences

2012: Steve Yetiv, Political Science 和 Geography

2014: Carolyn Rutledge, Nursing

2015: Gail Dodge, Physics

2016: Charles Hyde, Physics

2017: Jennifer Michaeli, Engineering 技术; Anatoly Radyushkin, Physics

2018: Helen Crompton, 教学 和 学习

2020: Kent Carpenter, Biological Sciences

2021: Jennifer Fish, 女性's Studies

2021: Ling Li, Information 技术 和 Decision Sciences

2023: Khan Iftekharuddin, Electrical & 计算机工程

2000: John Toomey, Music

2001: Sushil Chaturvedi, Mechanical Engineering; Dwight Allen, Educational Curriculum 和 Instruction

2002: Janet Peery, English

2003: Sheri Reynolds, English

2004: Charles Wilson, English

2005年:凯瑟琳·克西, 儿童早期, Speech-Language Pathology, 和特殊教育; Cynthia Jones, 海洋, Earth 和 Atmospheric Sciences

2006年:唐纳德·齐格勒, Political Science 和 Geography; Sharon Raver-Lampman, 儿童早期, Speech-Language Pathology, 和特殊教育

2007: John Adam, Mathematics 和 Statistics

2008: Bridget Anderson, English; Shaomin Li, Business Management

2009: Lawrence Hatab, Philosophy; Lawrence Weinstein, Physcis

1991: Karen Polonko, Sociology 和 Criminal Justice

1992: Gregory Selby, Mechanical Engineering

Karen Polonko's Sociology Class, 1990s

1993: Michele Darby, Dental Hygiene 和 Dental Assisting

1994: Nancy Bazin, English

1995: Helen Rountree, Sociology 和 Criminal Justice

1996: William Stanley, Engineering 技术

1997: Dana Heller, English

1999: Daniel Dauer, Biological Sciences; Chris Drake, Political Science 和 Geography

2011: Mark Butler, Biological Sciences

2012: Steve Yetiv, Political Science 和 Geography

2014: Carolyn Rutledge, Nursing

2015: Gail Dodge, Physics

2016: Charles Hyde, Physics

2017: Jennifer Michaeli, Engineering 技术; Anatoly Radyushkin, Physics

2018: Helen Crompton, 教学 和 学习

2020: Kent Carpenter, Biological Sciences

2021: Jennifer Fish, 女性's Studies

2021: Ling Li, Information 技术 和 Decision Sciences

2023: Khan Iftekharuddin, Electrical & 计算机工程

2000: John Toomey, Music

2001: Sushil Chaturvedi, Mechanical Engineering; Dwight Allen, Educational Curriculum 和 Instruction

2002: Janet Peery, English

2003: Sheri Reynolds, English

2004: Charles Wilson, English

2005年:凯瑟琳·克西, 儿童早期, Speech-Language Pathology, 和特殊教育; Cynthia Jones, 海洋, Earth 和 Atmospheric Sciences

2006年:唐纳德·齐格勒, Political Science 和 Geography; Sharon Raver-Lampman, 儿童早期, Speech-Language Pathology, 和特殊教育

2007: John Adam, Mathematics 和 Statistics

2008: Bridget Anderson, English; Shaomin Li, Business Management

2009: Lawrence Hatab, Philosophy; Lawrence Weinstein, Physcis

1991: Karen Polonko, Sociology 和 Criminal Justice

1992: Gregory Selby, Mechanical Engineering

Karen Polonko's Sociology Class, 1990s

1993: Michele Darby, Dental Hygiene 和 Dental Assisting

1994: Nancy Bazin, English

1995: Helen Rountree, Sociology 和 Criminal Justice

1996: William Stanley, Engineering 技术

1997: Dana Heller, English

1999: Daniel Dauer, Biological Sciences; Chris Drake, Political Science 和 Geography