
最靠谱的网赌软件 has made history as the first and only institution in Virginia to participate in the award-winning Amazon Prime TV Series “大学之旅.4月6日上午9点.m. 在查特威体育馆的蓝色大厅, nearly 500 incoming ODU students along with faculty and staff gathered for a "blue" carpet event to view a private screening of ODU’s episode.

Amazon Prime will release ODU’s episode for public view on May 28 but the segment is currently available on ODU的网站.

“大学之旅”—hosted and produced by “The Amazing Race” winner Alex Boylan—gives an inside look at what campus life is like at universities across the country and around the world. Chronicled through the eyes of current students, each episode captures everything from academics and housing to sports and career preparation. In fact, in ODU’s episode, students delve into topics like Greek life, ODU全球 出国留学.   

The series has aired 150 episodes since its debut in 2020.

The blue carpet event kicked off with a welcome from Jaime Hunt, vice president of 大学通信. Hunt 分享d the inspiration behind “大学之旅,” explaining that Boylan created the show after his niece was unable to visit certain campuses during her college selection process.

“特别是在COVID-19大流行之后, it’s more important than ever to make higher education accessible to everyone,亨特说. “’大学之旅’ provides prospective students access to college campuses they otherwise might not see, and I am excited that ODU will now be introduced to a newer, 广泛的受众.”

Before the screening, Boylan introduced ODU’s episode via video.

“It was such a pleasure to highlight these amazing individuals and take a trip around such a beautiful, 动态校园,博伊兰说. “我迫不及待地想让你看这一集, to see Old Dominion through the eyes of those who have found a home here.”

在与会者观看了这一集之后, 亨特介绍了卡拉·摩尔, ODU assistant director of undergraduate admissions, 谁担任主持人的Q&面板 ODU的“大学之旅”学生参加者.

Students 分享d their thoughts about why they decided to participate, how the experience impacted them and how the episode captured the essence of the ODU they’ve come to love.

“ODU是如此多样化,Majorie Cenese说, 电气工程专业 and computer engineering minor. “We have a strong connection with the military, some students are parents or even online students. I don’t think a lot of people truly understand that having a diverse background in classmates on campus can truly make a difference as you enter the world after college.”

Panelists also 分享d their thoughts about the filming process.

“The whole process of meeting with the producers and writing and giving them pictures and filming, it’s all kind of terrifying but it was a great opportunity, 我从中得到了很多乐趣,霍莉·格蕾丝·比约克说, 主修电影制作,辅修日语.

In total, nine ODU students participated in “大学之旅.”

  • Elham Alijanpour博士.D. Program: Kinesiology and Rehabilitation; Minor in Biomechanics (健康科学学院)
  • Holly Grace “HG” Bjork, cinema production major, Japanese minor (文学院 and 信)
  • Irv Castillo, biomedical sciences major, pre-health concentration (理学院)
  • 马约莉Cenese, 电气工程专业, computer engineering minor (巴顿工程学院 and 技术)
  • 哈德利副, 旅游与酒店管理专业, marketing minor (达顿教育学院 and Professional Studies)
  • 布兰登K. Hedgepeth, 研究生 Program: Lifespan and Digital Communications (ODU全球)
  • Tessa Mati, mechanical engineering major (巴顿工程学院 and 技术)
  • Cindy Molen, public health major (健康科学学院)
  • Luke Scrivanich, finance major, entrepreneurship minor (斯特罗姆商学院)

ODU faculty also contributed to the episode through writing, editing, design and video production.

  • Jaime Hunt, vice president of 大学通信
  • J. Christopher Fleming, assistant vice president for Enrollment and executive director of 入学s
  • 维多利亚·伯恩,君主杂志编辑
  • Jeff Cunningham, senior copywriter and content strategist for 大学通信
  • Jonah Grinkewitz, assistant director of news and media relations for 大学通信
  • Aaron Hodnett, senior media specialist for 大学通信
  • Cetre Pegues, senior media specialist for 大学通信
  • Chuck Thomas, senior photographer for 大学通信
  • Jean-Taylor Zimonick, marketing graphic designer for 大学通信