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Student in research lab performing tests.

RESEARCH Misconduct

All members of the Old Dominion University community are expected to uphold the same standards of research integrity when conducting research.

RESEARCH misconduct is defined as 制造, 伪造, 剽窃, or other practices that seriously deviate from those that are commonly accepted within the scientific community. Misconduct does not include honest error or differences in interpretations of data.

Allegations of RESEARCH Misconduct

All members of the ODU community are required to report any suspected research misconduct to the RESEARCH Integrity Officer either directly or through the Dean of their College. RESEARCH misconduct includes, but is not limited to, 制造, 伪造, or 剽窃 of the research record. All allegations of research misconduct will be investigated and maximum possible confidentiality will be maintained. (All terms are defined in the university policy linked below.)

Dr. Yvette Pearson, RESEARCH Integrity Officer
9010 Batten 艺术 and 信s
Old Dominion University
Ph: 757-683-6509 (office)

Procedures for Responding to Allegations of Misconduct in Scientific RESEARCH or Other Scholarly Activity provide the methods and principles for assessing allegations and conducting inquiries and investigations related to possible research misconduct in research. 特别是, these procedures seek compliance with research misconduct procedures for research that is proposed to or supported by the U.S. 公共卫生 服务 (PHS) or the National Science Foundation (NSF). Included are procedures for reporting research misconduct investigations to these agencies, adopting institutional actions in response to findings of research misconduct, and cooperating with the PHS Office of RESEARCH Integrity (ORI) or the NSF Inspector General in their review of institutional actions and reports.

的se procedures are intended to govern the assessment of allegations, the conduct of inquiries and investigations, and the reporting of results to the appropriate agency. 的 procedures do not create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by a party against the institution, 它的机构, 军官, 或员工.

的 procedures should be read in conjunction with the Policy for Responding to Allegations of Misconduct in Scientific RESEARCH and Scholarly Activity.

For further information, please contact Adam Rubenstein, Assistant Vice President of RESEARCH Compliance, at arubenst@promisesurfing.net or (757) 683-3686.


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