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Training Opportunities

Old Dominion University Financial 服务s Division is comprised of the University 预算 Office, the Office of Finance, and Procurement 服务s. Below you will find information pertaining to each area's training programs, 资源, and opportunities. If you have any 问题, please don't hesitate to reach out at FStraining@promisesurfing.net.

预算 Office Training Opportunities

The 预算 Office is currently creating training opportunities relating to the Equipment Trust Fund (ETF) and the Insight Software System.

Office of Finance Training Opportunities

The Office of Finance offers both in-person and online training opportunites including: A Certificate in University Financial Management Program, hands-on Banner Software Training Courses, and online video training 资源.

Procurement 服务s Training Opportunities

Procuremtent 服务s hosts a Procurement Certificate Program, required training courses relating to SWaM, Contract Administration, eReceiving and eVA, and PCard Training. Both in-person trainings and online 资源 are available.

预算 & Financial Planning

hands doing budgets

支持 and analysis to University leadership in fiscal and budgetary policy development.

Finance Training

Piggy bank on top of books with chalkboard, cost of education theme

The ODU Office of Finance offers a variety of trainings on relevant programs and softwares.

Procurement Training


The Department of Procurement 服务s has designed a multi-section training program that focuses on purchasing activity.

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