

You must repay your 贷款, so be sure you understand your options and responsibilities.

If you apply for financial aid, you may be offered 贷款s as part of ODU's 提供经济援助. A 贷款 你借的钱是必须还的吗 感兴趣.

如果你决定贷款, make sure you understand who is making the 贷款 and the terms and conditions of the 贷款. 学生贷款可以来自联邦政府, 从私人来源,如银行或金融机构, 或者来自其他组织. 联邦政府发放的贷款, 叫做联邦学生贷款, usually have more benefits than 贷款s from banks or other private sources. 了解更多有关 联邦和私人学生贷款的区别.

你需要贷款吗? 如果是这样,首先考虑联邦援助! Federal 贷款s usually offer borrowers lower 感兴趣 rates and have more flexible repayment options than 贷款s from banks or other private sources.

美国.S. 教育部 联邦学生贷款 程序是 威廉D. 福特联邦直接贷款计划. 根据这一计划,美国政府将.S. 教育部是你的 银行. 直接贷款有四种类型:

  • 直接资助贷款 贷款是否提供给符合条件的本科生 students who demonstrate 财务需要 to help cover the costs of higher education at a college or career school.
  • 直接无补贴贷款 贷款是否提供给符合条件的本科生, 研究生, 专业学生, 但是资格并不是基于经济需要.
  • 直接+贷款 are 贷款s made to 研究生 or professional students and parents of dependent under研究生 students to help pay for education expenses not covered by other financial aid. Eligibility is not based on 财务需要, but a credit check is required. 有 不良信用记录 必须满足额外的要求才能获得资格.

  • 直接合并贷款 allow you to combine all of your eligible 联邦学生贷款s into a single 贷款 with a single 贷款 servicer.

你不需要签署贷款支票. Any credit remaining on your account after institutional charges have been paid, 会直接寄到你的记录地址吗.

One-half of your approved 贷款 proceeds will be credited per semester. Please allow at least ten (10) working days from the date you submit your completed promissory note(s) to the financial aid office for your student account to be credited. 也, please note that federal regulations prohibit crediting aid prior to ten (10) days before classes begin. Remember responsibility for providing the financial aid office with required documentation lies with you. Your prompt attention to all requests from the financial aid office will greatly speed up the process of crediting 贷款 proceeds to your account.

  1. 文件的 FAFSA 早期. 10月1日开始申请.
  2. 那么,等待你最初的经济援助电子邮件通知吧 接受援助 你想要.
  3. 立即回应所有索取文件的请求.
  4. Must be enrolled at least half-time in a degree or certificate program.
  5. 一旦你的经济资助记录被清除, 您的帐户将准备好进行“贷款认证”." Please note that your 贷款(s) cannot be certified until all required documentation has been received in our office and your account has been updated and reviewed.
  6. You will be notified by postcard when your promissory notes are ready for you to complete and sign. You may complete your Electronic 主本票s online as follows:
    • 进入直接贷款网站完成 主本票. The 主本票(MPN) is a legal document in which you promise to repay your 贷款(s) and any accrued 感兴趣 and fees to the U.S. 教育部. 它还解释了贷款的条款和条件。. You must have a 教育部 FSA ID to complete the Electronic 主本票.
    • If you do not have a FSA ID you may request one by visiting the 联邦学生援助FSA ID网站.
  7. 首次借款人必须填写 入学咨询. This session is designed to ensure that you understand all the terms and conditions of your 贷款, 以及你作为借款人的权利和责任. For information regarding a Federal Direct + or the G-+ Loan, please 联系 your financial aid counselor if you have any further questions.


  • 本科生直接贷款
    • 补贴6.533%
    • 未受资助的6.533%
  • 毕业生无补贴直接贷款.083%
  • 毕业生加直接贷款:9.083%
  • +直接贷款:9.083%

Up Front Origination 费用 (Effective October 1, 2024-September 30, 2025)

  • 大学生直接贷款.057%
  • 毕业生无补贴直接贷款.057%
  • 毕业生加直接贷款:4.228%
  • +直接贷款.228%

Private 贷款s are non-federal 贷款s made by a 银行 such as a bank, credit union, state agency. 等. that must be repaid with 感兴趣 many while student is still in school.

The private 银行s provided are set up to facilitate efficient, electronic processing and disbursement of funds directly to your student account. We provide this list as a guide to you; however, 你可以自由选择另一个贷款人而不受处罚. (ODU does not discriminate against 银行s and will certify 贷款s from any private 银行 provided the student meets the 银行's eligibility requirements.)

最靠谱的网赌软件's historical list consists of private 贷款 银行s that have been used during the past 3 years.

在你申请私人贷款之前, you should exhaust your eligibility for Federal 贷款s (工作人员ord, +, and Grad +) as they are typically less expensive and offer flexible repayment options.

The 银行s on the attached list are setup to facilitate efficient, electronic processing and disbursement of funds directly to your student account. We provide this list as a guide to you; however, 你可以自由选择另一个贷款人而不受处罚.

Private Loan certification will be completed if all the following criteria are met.

  1. 这个学生正在攻读学位
  2. 该学生至少有一半时间入学
  3. The 贷款 is for the current semester/贷款 period or to satisfy past due balances for the previous semester only
  4. 贷款分为秋季学期和春季学期
  5. The student is meeting 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) as determined by the 金融援助 Office

私人贷款处理时间为4 - 6周

Navigate the student 贷款 repayment process with confidence: make payments, 改变还款计划, 探索选项, 寻求帮助.

你需要贷款吗? 如果是这样,首先考虑联邦援助! Federal 贷款s usually offer borrowers lower 感兴趣 rates and have more flexible repayment options than 贷款s from banks or other private sources.

美国.S. 教育部 联邦学生贷款 程序是 威廉D. 福特联邦直接贷款计划. 根据这一计划,美国政府将.S. 教育部是你的 银行. 直接贷款有四种类型:

  • 直接资助贷款 贷款是否提供给符合条件的本科生 students who demonstrate 财务需要 to help cover the costs of higher education at a college or career school.
  • 直接无补贴贷款 贷款是否提供给符合条件的本科生, 研究生, 专业学生, 但是资格并不是基于经济需要.
  • 直接+贷款 are 贷款s made to 研究生 or professional students and parents of dependent under研究生 students to help pay for education expenses not covered by other financial aid. Eligibility is not based on 财务需要, but a credit check is required. 有 不良信用记录 必须满足额外的要求才能获得资格.

  • 直接合并贷款 allow you to combine all of your eligible 联邦学生贷款s into a single 贷款 with a single 贷款 servicer.

你不需要签署贷款支票. Any credit remaining on your account after institutional charges have been paid, 会直接寄到你的记录地址吗.

One-half of your approved 贷款 proceeds will be credited per semester. Please allow at least ten (10) working days from the date you submit your completed promissory note(s) to the financial aid office for your student account to be credited. 也, please note that federal regulations prohibit crediting aid prior to ten (10) days before classes begin. Remember responsibility for providing the financial aid office with required documentation lies with you. Your prompt attention to all requests from the financial aid office will greatly speed up the process of crediting 贷款 proceeds to your account.

  1. 文件的 FAFSA 早期. 10月1日开始申请.
  2. 那么,等待你最初的经济援助电子邮件通知吧 接受援助 你想要.
  3. 立即回应所有索取文件的请求.
  4. Must be enrolled at least half-time in a degree or certificate program.
  5. 一旦你的经济资助记录被清除, 您的帐户将准备好进行“贷款认证”." Please note that your 贷款(s) cannot be certified until all required documentation has been received in our office and your account has been updated and reviewed.
  6. You will be notified by postcard when your promissory notes are ready for you to complete and sign. You may complete your Electronic 主本票s online as follows:
    • 进入直接贷款网站完成 主本票. The 主本票(MPN) is a legal document in which you promise to repay your 贷款(s) and any accrued 感兴趣 and fees to the U.S. 教育部. 它还解释了贷款的条款和条件。. You must have a 教育部 FSA ID to complete the Electronic 主本票.
    • If you do not have a FSA ID you may request one by visiting the 联邦学生援助FSA ID网站.
  7. 首次借款人必须填写 入学咨询. This session is designed to ensure that you understand all the terms and conditions of your 贷款, 以及你作为借款人的权利和责任. For information regarding a Federal Direct + or the G-+ Loan, please 联系 your financial aid counselor if you have any further questions.


  • 本科生直接贷款
    • 补贴6.533%
    • 未受资助的6.533%
  • 毕业生无补贴直接贷款.083%
  • 毕业生加直接贷款:9.083%
  • +直接贷款:9.083%

Up Front Origination 费用 (Effective October 1, 2024-September 30, 2025)

  • 大学生直接贷款.057%
  • 毕业生无补贴直接贷款.057%
  • 毕业生加直接贷款:4.228%
  • +直接贷款.228%

Private 贷款s are non-federal 贷款s made by a 银行 such as a bank, credit union, state agency. 等. that must be repaid with 感兴趣 many while student is still in school.

The private 银行s provided are set up to facilitate efficient, electronic processing and disbursement of funds directly to your student account. We provide this list as a guide to you; however, 你可以自由选择另一个贷款人而不受处罚. (ODU does not discriminate against 银行s and will certify 贷款s from any private 银行 provided the student meets the 银行's eligibility requirements.)

最靠谱的网赌软件's historical list consists of private 贷款 银行s that have been used during the past 3 years.

在你申请私人贷款之前, you should exhaust your eligibility for Federal 贷款s (工作人员ord, +, and Grad +) as they are typically less expensive and offer flexible repayment options.

The 银行s on the attached list are setup to facilitate efficient, electronic processing and disbursement of funds directly to your student account. We provide this list as a guide to you; however, 你可以自由选择另一个贷款人而不受处罚.

Private Loan certification will be completed if all the following criteria are met.

  1. 这个学生正在攻读学位
  2. 该学生至少有一半时间入学
  3. The 贷款 is for the current semester/贷款 period or to satisfy past due balances for the previous semester only
  4. 贷款分为秋季学期和春季学期
  5. The student is meeting 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) as determined by the 金融援助 Office

私人贷款处理时间为4 - 6周

Navigate the student 贷款 repayment process with confidence: make payments, 改变还款计划, 探索选项, 寻求帮助.


美国.S. 教育部’s COVID-19 relief for student 贷款s is ending this year. 学生贷款利息将于9月9日恢复. 2023年1月1日,从10月开始付款. The 教育部 will communicate with borrowers from now until their first payment due date.
Find information about the impact of COVID-19 for current students and 联邦学生贷款s for borrowers in repayment and other topics by visiting studentaid.政府.