By Annette Finley-Croswhite

学术事务办公室和教师发展中心很高兴地宣布2022年基于课程的本科研究(CURE)竞赛的获奖者. 获奖者是林果、马赫什·戈皮纳斯和凯瑟琳·罗兹.

Associate Professors Guo and Gopinath from the Department of Marketing developed a project entitled "Learning by Doing; Informed Decision Making Through Research." Their plan is to revise Marketing 407, "Marketing Research,“在2022年秋季开设的课程中包括主动学习和实验学习的内容. This course is required in the major. 这门课程已经包含了数据分析和案例研究的指导. 新版本将整合长达一个学期的小组项目,为学生提供营销研究的实践经验,并让他们参与解决现实世界的商业问题.

Guo和Gopinath解释说:“学生将组成5-7人的小组. 团队成员将共同选择一个实际的管理问题进行调查. 像市场研究供应商或研究顾问一样运作, 每个团队的角色是为我们当地社区的客户组织提供研究信息,并帮助做出明智的营销决策."

课程中还包括三个项目研讨会,以帮助学生特别关注完成项目所需的研究技能. The workshops prepare students for: 1) secondary research analysis; 2) questionnaire development; and 3) data analysis. Students will also complete IRB training.

The CURE that Drs. Guo and Gopinath are developing offers broader impacts tied to community engagement; the more that the Strome College of Business interacts with local companies, ODU学生和毕业生找到实习和工作的可能性就越大. 商业客户也将被邀请参加学生的项目报告, 最好的项目将提交给本科生研究会议. The CURE proposal was awarded $2,教务处提供的暑期津贴为2万美元,斯特罗姆商学院院长办公室提供了200美元的配套资金.

来自妇女研究系的高级讲师凯瑟琳·罗兹开发了一个名为“使潮水变酷:沉浸式虚拟景点之旅”的项目, Sounds, and Experiences of Tidewater's LGBTQ Past.她的项目扩展了妇女研究303/英语395, "Queer Studies,这门课程通过研究性别和同性恋恐惧症的社会建构来探索LGBTQ群体的经历. 它专注于一个面向公众的研究项目,该项目涉及扩展LGBTQ徒步旅行,作为学生研究项目. 这次旅行是基于对档案和口述历史的广泛研究,并使用视频设备创建了一个沉浸式的虚拟现实徒步旅行,参观当地的LGBTQ社区,并恢复与历史相关的空间,但长期失去了时间. 研究设计将学生纳入批判性理论的学习,同时进行第一手资料的研究, framing narrative, and honing technology skills. 该课程的设计建立在凯瑟琳·罗兹(kathleen Rhodes)早期的课程基础上,后者侧重于亲自徒步旅行. 这个课程版本的最终产品将于2022年秋季提供,将使LGBTQ之旅和历史能够为更广泛的观众所接受. To embed the research component, students will work in teams and identify a person, organization or business to research. 然后,他们将提出一个关于如何将这些材料整合到徒步旅行中的建议. 罗兹解释说,学生们将学习研究方法和LGBTQ当地历史, conduct research, gather oral histories, identify digital artifacts, create designs of buildings that no longer exist, record community member testimony, produce a script, integrate music and sound into recordings, use cameras to capture video footage, 并将成品上传到YouTube上进行传播. 更广泛的影响包括扩展LGBTQ当地历史, the promotion of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion work, 以及更多汉普顿路当地社区伙伴关系的发展. The CURE proposal was awarded $2,从教务处购买技术设备和$1,从妇女研究系和艺术学院院长办公室获得了884美元的配套资金 & Letters.

CURE委员会的评估小组包括Annette Finley-Croswhite, professor of history and director, Center for Faculty Development; Jing He, professor of computer science; Ingo Heidbrink, professor of history and chair of history; Anil Nair, professor of management and chair of management; and Robert Strozak, master lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and former CURE grant winner. All committee members praised the projects. The committee report was delivered to Kate Hawkins, 负责教务和战略计划的副教务长, who reviewed the proposals, endorsed the committee recommendations, 并将所有建议和调查结果转交给了阿戈教务长, who made the final decisions.

Congratulations to our winners, 谁为我们的ODU学生提供了极好的高影响力的学习机会. 我们期待了解更多有关项目和成果的信息,并将在CURE项目完成并教授课程后,在即将发布的通讯中再次报告.