奖 & 奖学金

The ODU 英语 Department welcomes submissions of outstanding 2,000-2,500-word critical essays not limited to a specific period, 解释学校, 或为ODU英语系在2023日历年度开设的本科英语课程撰写的民族文学作品.

提交说明:在扉页, 请写上你的名字, 教授的名字, 课程数量, and 这学期 when the essay was submitted (Spring 2023, 2023年夏天, 或2023年秋季). Make sure your name does not appear elsewhere in the essay. 将论文和摘要发送到奖项 & 奖学金委员会主席,博士. 丹尼尔·理查兹 dprichar@promisesurfing.net.


ODU英语系欢迎提交技术写作领域的杰出作品, 专业写作, 或者文档设计. 提交的文件可以包括技术文件, 专业或科学报告, 或为2023日历年技术写作专业开设的本科英语课程编写的说明有效文档设计原则的简短工作示例.

提交说明:在扉页, 请写上你的名字, 教授的名字, 课程数量, and 这学期 when the work was submitted (Spring 2023, 2023年夏天, 或2023年秋季). Make sure your name does not appear elsewhere in the work itself. 将作品发送到奖项 & 奖学金委员会主席,博士. 丹尼尔·理查兹 dprichar@promisesurfing.net.


ODU英语系欢迎提交语言学领域的优秀论文和研究型论文, 社会语言学, 应用语言学, 语言分析. Submissions could include data-based language analysis projects, 理论研究论文, 在2023日历年期间,由英语专业本科生为应用语言学领域的英语课程撰写的案例研究.

提交说明:在扉页, 请写上你的名字, 教授的名字, 课程数量, and 这学期 when the work was submitted (Spring 2023, 2023年夏天, 或2023年秋季). Make sure your name does not appear elsewhere in the work itself. 将作品发送到奖项 & 奖学金委员会主席,博士. 丹尼尔·理查兹 dprichar@promisesurfing.net.

  • ODU英语系欢迎提交任何文学作品的杰出评论文章,不限于特定时期, 民族文学, 或方法论方法-为ODU英语系在2023日历年提供的研究生英语课程编写.
  • 提交说明:在扉页, 请写上你的名字, 教授的名字, 课程数量, and 这学期 when the essay was submitted (Spring 2023, 2023年夏天, 或2023年秋季). Make sure your name does not appear elsewhere in the essay. 将论文和摘要发送到奖项 & 奖学金委员会主席,博士. 丹尼尔·理查兹 dprichar@promisesurfing.net.

The 2024 Jerri 迪克塞斯基小说奖 competition is now open! 这个奖项分为两个组别.

* 本科 division: Must be declared 英语 majors or minors as of April 30, 2024. Prize is $500 and recognition at the 文学节 in October.

*研究生部:必须就读于M.A., M.F.A.,或Ph值.D. 截至2024年4月30日. Prize is $500 and recognition at the 文学节 in October.

Submission: Submit a short story manuscript of up to 20 pages in length. Please submit your name, division, and manuscript using this form http://forms.gle/26NFsxh7ieNuHxiF8.这将是一个盲目的评判, so the entrant's name should NOT appear in the header, footer, 或者手稿的封面.

这个年度大奖, 由ODU英语校友Jerri Dickseski创立, 在ODU文学节上向英语系的一名研究生和一名本科生散文小说作家颁发500美元奖金和公众认可.












Leia Safshekan-Bishop,《最靠谱的网赌软件》


(Sponsored through the Academy of American Poets and the Poetry Society of Virginia)

大学诗歌奖 is a very prestigious prize that was established in 1955 by the Academy of American Poets. 15 [RP1] [IA2] 年前, 通过弗吉尼亚诗歌协会的捐赠以及当时弗吉尼亚州桂冠诗人卡罗琳·克雷特-福朗达的倡议, ODU的MFA创意写作项目被列入AAP的大学和学院名单,能够颁发这个奖项. 许多美国最受尊敬的诗人都是通过学院奖获得第一次认可的, 包括黛安·阿克曼, 钢铁洪流Derricotte, Mark Doty, 爱丽丝富尔顿, 苔丝加拉格尔, 路易丝好运, 艾伦·格罗斯曼, Jorie格雷厄姆, 君子哈恩, 她快乐, 罗伯特·哈斯, Li-Young李, 布拉德Leithauser, J. D. McClatchy, Heather McHugh, Gregory Orr, and Robert Pinsky.

Contest Rules and Guidelines: Prepare a Word document file with your poetry entry; you may submit 1-3 unpublished poems only, all saved in one single Word document file (not PDF); no works in translation. Name the Word document with the title of your first poem only. 在文档或文件名的任何地方都不应该有标识名称或信息. 将你的诗歌作品通过电子邮件发送到 oducollegepoetryprize@gmail.com 仅限封面邮件, include all the following information: Name; UIN; mailing address (street, 城市, 状态, zip code); contact info (phone and email); and list titles of all poems in your submission.

本科生: Indicate if you are currently an officially registered 英语 major or have a Creative Writing emphasis; or, 如果你在上一学年或本学年至少上过一门创意写作课(请注明课程), 这学期, 还有指导员).

毕业生: Indicate if you are currently an officially registered MA, MFA,或Ph值D 英语 student.

ODU学院诗歌奖由外部评委选出——一位全国知名的诗人. Entries which do not follow submission guidelines will be disqualified.


这个年度大奖 for a personal essay, established by Benjamin Equitan, Jr.,董事总经理 Ramiscal马术顾问公司, offers a total of $2000 in prizes (first and honorable mention), 并认可目前入学的ODU本科生和研究生,他们认为是菲律宾/a/x.

Prizes will be awarded in each category (本科 & 研究生):

*一等奖:约700美元 & 证书

荣誉奖:~ 300美元 & 证书


1. 任何目前入学的ODU本科生或研究生,只要认定为菲律宾/a/x,都可以参加比赛.

2. 任何原创作品都有资格, 不管它是不是为类编写的, as long as this has not been published online or in print.

3. This personal essay (not research paper) must address the following theme, according to the student's own interpretation and experience:

How does knowledge of FilAm and Filipino/a/x histories and cultural perspectives contribute
to stronger DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) in the university and community? (In your personal essay, share your own interpretation, experience, and vision.)

4. Submit only one work between 5 and 10 pages in double-spaced, 12-point font. 学生不应在他们的参赛作品中填写任何身份信息,因为参赛作品将被匿名评判.

5. Submit your entry electronically as a Word Document (not PDF), to ligloria@promisesurfing.net<mailto:ligloria@promisesurfing.net&gt; (Prof. 路易莎一个. 伊格洛里亚,比赛协调员).

6. 在提交的电子邮件中, include: your full name; ODU student ID, 专业或学位, and year; mailing and email addresses; and phone number.

An external judge will be invited to review the entries and make prize selections.


ODU英语系欢迎提交英语教育领域的杰出作品. Submissions can include innovative teaching ideas or curriculum design; teacher research; practitioner writing; or other field-specific genres that explore the teaching of 英语 composed for an undergraduate 英语 course, 教育课程, 或在2023年历年期间的实地经验. Materials created during the 2024 internship will be accepted, as well.

提交说明:在扉页, 请写上你的名字, 教授或导师的姓名, 课程数量, and 这学期 when the work was submitted (Spring 2023, 2023年夏天, 2023年秋季, 或2024年春季). Make sure your name does not appear elsewhere in the work itself. 将作品发送到奖项 & 奖学金委员会主席,博士. 丹尼尔·理查兹 dprichar@promisesurfing.net.



This scholarship is designed to support students 用英语 majoring in journalism. Applicants need to be a full-time, undergraduate student with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.


提交说明:申请人将向奖项和奖学金委员会主席发送一份非正式成绩单和500字的最靠谱的网赌软件职业目标声明, Dr. 丹尼尔·理查兹 dprichar@promisesurfing.net.


This scholarship is designed to support students 用英语 majoring in composition. Applicants need to be a rising junior with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.


提交说明:申请人将向奖项和奖学金委员会主席发送非正式成绩单和500字的写作研究领域学术目标声明, Dr. 丹尼尔·理查兹 dprichar@promisesurfing.net.


该奖学金旨在支持进入英语专业的全日制一年级学生. The applicant must have a high school GPA of at least 3.75, demonstrate financial need as determined by the 金融援助 Office, and have held a 领导 position in clubs or organizations in high school. 如果学生坚持3年,奖学金可以续期.平均绩点5分,全日制英语专业.


提交说明:申请人将向奖项和奖学金委员会主席发送一份非正式的高中成绩单和500字的陈述,说明他们为什么选择英语专业, Dr. 丹尼尔·理查兹 dprichar@promisesurfing.net.


This scholarship is designed to support an undergraduate student majoring 用英语. 申请人的平均成绩必须不低于3分.0 and demonstrate financial need as determined by the 金融援助 Office.

Award Amount: $35,800 (divided amongst three awardees)

Submission Instructions: Applicants will submit a 1000-word essay on a general topic, such as the student's reason for choosing to major 用英语, 奖项及奖学金委员会主席, Dr. 丹尼尔·理查兹 dprichar@promisesurfing.net.


该奖学金的目的是表彰使用英语进行口语和书面交流的优秀学生. 申请者必须是英语专业即将升学的大三或大四学生,GPA不低于3分.5, and receive recommendation from the department chair or college dean.


提交说明:申请人将向奖项和奖学金委员会主席提交一份主席/院长的推荐信和一篇1000字的关于他们与英语学位相关的职业目标的文章, Dr. 丹尼尔·理查兹 dprichar@promisesurfing.net.



2025 - 26:通信

2026 - 27:英语
2027 - 28:通信
2028 - 29:英语


To support graduate and undergraduate students’ travel to conferences (local, 国家, inter国家) for the purpose of presenting their research, 进行研究, 展示或表演创造性作品的, competing or attending in order to enhance their research goals. 旅行只与人际关系有关, 找工作, 课余活动, 实习, 课程, 出国留学, 领导, presenting someone’s research other than the applicant’s, 等.,是不合格的。.

截止日期: 会议前30天
奖: 最高500美元

Honors graduate teaching assistants who have demonstrated exceptional instructional quality. One for laboratory instruction and one for classroom instruction.

奖: $1,000

协助ODU的非移民学生在常规课程之外获得教育和发展机会的费用. 与ISAB合作, the VISA 办公室 will give 25 students per academic year grants of up to $1000. 奖助金 are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis until the funds are depleted.

在公共研究机构中独树一帜, 最靠谱的网赌软件 offers a renewable (up to four years) undergraduate merit scholarship. 奖项由 16000美元 每年发给合资格的申请人.

Nominate outstanding members who have contributed to the ODU community.


奖学金,助学金 & 贷款的机会
