Fire Prevention

Fire alarm

最靠谱的网赌软件 is committed to instilling a culture of fire prevention and life safety within the campus community. Led by a full-time Fire Marshal/Fire Prevention Manager with 33 years in the fire service, the ODU Office of Fire Prevention's programs focus on fire prevention and life safety education, realistic training, 主动检查和执法, customer service, and modern technology to realize our goal of a fire-safe campus.

通过与当地消防部门的合作, 消防局, 以及弗吉尼亚州消防局长办公室, the ODU Office of Fire Prevention works to meet or exceed all local and State fire code requirements. In particular, we work closely with Norfolk Fire-Rescue - the first responder to all main campus fire and medical emergencies - to plan for, train, exercise, respond to, and mitigate fire hazards in all University facilities.

ODU防火策略 & Procedures

  • All campus buildings, residence halls, and student rooms are smoke-free (including vaping)
  • Smoking is not allowed within 20 feet of any building entrance
  • Smoking any substance or creating smoke through the use of incense, candles, or other smoke-producing items is prohibited in all campus buildings, 包括宿舍
  • Students documented for possession of candles/incense in a residence hall may be assessed a fee of up to $75
  • Students documented for burning candles/smoking in a residence hall may be assessed a fee of up to $100

  • 当火警响起, all building occupants (including residents) are required to stop activities, exit the building, and meet in the building's designated Emergency Assembly Area(s) (EAA). When leaving, 用手背摸摸门的热度, 蹲下身子贴近地面, 如果有烟雾,保护好口鼻, 从最近的出口离开."
  • Failure to evacuate for any reason may result in referral to the judicial system and assessment of up to a $50 初犯的罚款和 $75 第二次犯罪

  • Any student, faculty, or staff member who tampers (which includes but is not limited to covering, removing, defacing, damaging, or rendering inoperable) with fire and life safety equipment to include fire alarm systems, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, 紧急出口照明, 否则张贴出口标志将受到纪律处分, 其中可能包括多达一个 $200 fine
  • Any student, faculty, or staff member who deliberately activates a false fire alarm is subject to disciplinary action, 这可能包括开除学生宿舍, 可能被学校停学, or other penalties
  • The 最靠谱的网赌软件 Police Department may charge any violator tampering with fire safety equipment a Class 1 misdemeanor, 罚款最高可达 $2,500 和/或12个月的监禁

  • Residents who activate a fire alarm as a result of negligence (including but not limited to cooking, hair styling, steam, etc.)的评分可达a $50 fine

Procedures & Forms

消防减损计划: The Fire Protection Impairment Program provides instructions to authorized individuals who wish to request to modify the normal operation of the University's fire alarm, fire protection, and/or life safety systems during events including but not limited to construction, demolition, outages, maintenance, testing, 以及建筑系统的缺陷. Persons who wish to take any fire protection system out of service for any reason must fill out a request for a permit to do so. These documents contain an effective management program used to minimize the risks associated with fire alarm and fire protection impairments.

Hot Work: Personnel conducting hot work on ODU property must review the ODU 热工安全指南 and apply for a Hot Work Permit with the Office of Fire Prevention. Upon permit approval, personnel must follow the provisions set forth in the 热工安全指南 and Hot Work Permit, and post Hot Work Signage outside of the designated work area until work is complete.

Fire Watch: A Fire Watch must be implemented when an occupied building's fire protection systems or equipment are out of service, and must remain in effect until the systems or equipment are returned to service. A Fire Watch Form, Patrol Log, and Signage must be used when performing Fire Watch duties.

Students On-Campus

最靠谱的网赌软件 houses over 4,600 students in 56 on-campus housing facilities. We are proud to say our housing facilities meet or exceed all minimum fire and life safety standards. 以下项目是 prohibited in residence halls:

  • Extension cords
  • Multi-plug adapters
  • 卤素灯和手电筒
  • 烤面包机/烤箱
  • 乔治·福尔曼式烤架
  • Hazardous materials
  • 加热元件外露的器具
  • 炸药/易燃物/丙烷/气体烤架
  • Motorized vehicles
  • 枪支/武器/燃烧装置
  • Live Christmas trees
  • 蜡烛/香/油灯/明火
  • Portable heaters
  • Fireworks

防火人人有责. In residence halls, the majority of fire alarms result from:

  • 烹饪不当或无人看管的烹饪
  • 与热熨斗/吹风机一起使用的发型定型产品
  • 淋浴蒸汽过多
  • 使用违禁物品

Learn how you can do your part to prevent fire and reduce nuisance fire alarms by watching this short fire safety video created by ODU Housing and Residence Life and ODU Fire Prevention.


Education, Training, & Outreach Programs

Fire & 生命安全训练: ODU Fire Prevention offers training for fire extinguisher use, 基本防火, 心肺复苏术, 使用自动体外除颤器(AED, Stop the Bleed, and other applicable fire and life safety topics on an as-requested basis. 详情和培训计划,请联系

  • According to the 美国心脏协会, more than 350,000 cardiac arrests occur outside a hospital in the United States each year. The United States Occupational Health and Safety Administration notes that about 10,每年在工作场所发生的心脏骤停有000例, and only about half of employees know where an AED is located at work. With nine out of ten cardiac arrest victims surviving if they receive a shock in the first minute, knowing where to find an AED could save a life!
  • ODU Fire Prevention coordinates oversight and maintenance of AEDs located in most campus buildings. 有关ODU AED程序的问题,请联系 A drop-down list of AED locations in campus buildings can be found below.

  • 一楼:靠近电梯
  • 三楼:靠近电梯

  • 一楼:衣帽间

  • 二楼:靠近电梯

  • 二楼:靠近电梯
  • 五楼:靠近电梯
  • 八楼:靠近电梯

  • 一楼:靠近1126房间
  • 一楼:墨西哥附近的美食广场
  • 二楼:靠近洗手间

  • 一楼:靠近电梯
  • 三楼:靠近电梯

  • 一楼:1011房间附近
  • 一楼:1051房间附近
  • 二楼:近2004室
  • 二楼:2084房间附近

  • 一楼:主走廊

  • 一楼:靠近电梯
  • 三楼:靠近电梯

  • 二楼:靠近电梯

  • 二楼:靠近电梯

  • 二楼:靠近电梯
  • 四楼:靠近电梯

  • 一楼:靠近电梯

  • 一楼:靠近电梯

  • 一楼:靠近主入口

  • 二楼:靠近电梯
  • 四楼:靠近电梯

  • 一楼:靠近牙科诊所
  • 一楼:1121房间附近
  • 二楼:2113房间附近
  • 三楼:近3141室

  • 一楼:靠近电梯

  • 四楼:401套房

  • 二楼:231房间附近

  • 二楼:靠近电梯

  • 一楼:靠近电梯

  • 物理治疗:健身房
  • 1008房间附近的走廊

  • 一楼:靠近电梯
  • 三楼:靠近电梯

  • 一楼:靠近前电梯
  • 三楼:前电梯附近

  • 二楼:主办公室

  • 一楼:靠近电梯
  • 一楼ARTOC:主走廊

  • 一楼:主门厅走廊

  • 一楼:1006室
  • 一楼:1100房间
  • 一楼:1101室
  • 一楼:1301A房间附近的走廊
  • 一楼:走廊,靠近MAC Court
  • 一楼:泳池区
  • 二楼:2003室
  • Second Floor: Track

  • 一楼:靠近电梯
  • 二楼:靠近电梯

  • 二楼:靠近电梯

  • Weight Area

  • 二楼:近2003室

  • 一楼:靠近电梯
  • 二楼:靠近电梯

  • 一楼:靠近电梯

  • 一楼:1054房间附近
  • 一楼:靠近1200房间
  • 一楼:问讯处
  • 一楼:靠近POD市场
  • 一楼:学生健康服务中心
  • 二楼:靠近电梯

  • Main Lobby