Clinical Assistant Professor



Ms. Rose has been with ODU since 2005. She serves as course coordinator for Adult 健康 护理 I & N393: Clinical Skills for Non-nursing Majors.
She works in other courses including 健康 Assessment for both undergraduate and RN to BSN students, 护理基础, 成人健康II, and 成人健康III (critical care), 角色转变, and Career Pathway Development for the RN to BSN students. She continues to practice nursing at Sentara Leigh Hospital and has served as a reviewer for several chapters in a fundamentals of nursing textbook. Ms. Rose was the recipient of a 教师 Innovator Grant award “Using Video to Enhance Patient Handoff and Student Nurse 模拟.” She has been recognized as a caring and supportive role model by students and was voted a “Shining Star” amongst faculty by residential students.

D.N.P. in 教育al 领导, Case Western Reserve University, (2017)

M.S.N. in 护士教育工作者 Role, 最靠谱的网赌软件, (2005)

B.S. in 护理, 最靠谱的网赌软件, (1994)

A.A.S. in 护理, Tidewater 社区 College, (1984)

Advanced Cardiac Life 支持
获得的日期: 2015-01-01
RN license for state of Virginia
主办机构: Virginia State Board of 护理
获得的日期: 1985-01-01

Contracts, 奖助金 and Sponsored 研究

怀尔斯,.罗斯,D。. L. 库里-洛伦索,K. A. "Seeing is Believing: 教学 Infection Control to 护理 Students" $2,500. 最靠谱的网赌软件. -
玫瑰,维. L. "Using Avatars to enhance Patient Handoff and Student Nurse 模拟 . 最靠谱的网赌软件. December 2007 - June 2008




Patient safety specifically with the handoff process.


怀尔斯,.罗斯,D。. L.库里-洛伦索,K. A. 斯威夫特,D。. (2014). Bringing 学习 to Light: Innovative Instructional Strategies for 教学 Infection Control to 护理 Students. 护理 教育 Perspectives.
玫瑰,维. L. (2013). I've Heard Report, Now What Do I Do? Avatars Prepare Novice Students for Patient Handoff. 护士教育工作者 38 (2) , pp. 54-55.
玫瑰,维. L. (2013). The avatar nurse: Bridging the hand-off gap: It’s not science fiction.. Reflections on 护理 领导 (Sigma Theta Tau 国际 Journal) 38 (4).


玫瑰,维. L . (2015年5月25日). Using a Blended 模拟 Experience to Introduce Novice 护理 Students to Patient Handoff and Quality & 安全能力. Poster (QSEN) National Forum: 10 Years and Going Strong. 圣地亚哥.
玫瑰,维. L. (2014年11月). “The Entertainer: Innovative 教学 Strategies for Today’s Diverse 护理 Students.” Oral Presentation 2014 Baccalaureate 教育 Conference Baltimore, MD.
怀尔斯,.罗斯,D。. L.库里-洛伦索,K. A. 斯威夫特,D。. (2012年5月23日). “Creating the 学习 Experience: A Collaborative Teaming Approach" Oral Presentation 学习中心 and 教学, 教师 Summer Institute Norfolk, VA.
怀尔斯,.罗斯,D。. L. 库里-洛伦索,K. A. (2012年4月). “Seeing is Believing: Using Ultraviolet Light as a 技术 Based Strategy to Teach Infection Control.” Poster 研究 Symposium; The Changing 健康 Care System: A Call for New 护理 Roles in 领导, 实践, 教育与研究. 弗吉尼亚海滩,弗吉尼亚州.
玫瑰,维. L. (2012年2月). “I’ve Heard Report, Now What?” Avatars Prepare Novice Students to Receive Handoff.” Poster Virginia Patient 安全 Summit Richmond, VA.
玫瑰,维. L. 怀尔斯,L. (2011年11月). Blending 健康 Information Technologies to Facilitate 学习 During Clinical Make-up Experiences.北卡罗来纳州达勒姆的海报.
怀尔斯,. 玫瑰,维。. L. (2011年11月). “Seeing is Believing: Using Ultraviolet Light as a 技术 Based Strategy to Teach Infection Control.北卡罗来纳州达勒姆的海报.
玫瑰,维. L. (2010年10月). "I've Heard Report, Now What Do I do?" Use of Avatars to Prepare Students for Their First Clinical Experience. Conference on Enhancing 护理 本科 教学 and 学习 in the clinical Setting: What do we know and how do we move forward? 华盛顿特区.
  • 2015: Voted as "Shining Star" amongst faculty by students, ODU
  • 2013: University wide "教学 with 技术 Award", 最靠谱的网赌软件
  • 2011: 健康 Information Scholars (HITS) program, National League for 护理
  • 2011: Excellence in 教学 with 技术 Award, 最靠谱的网赌软件
  • 2011: Voted as "Shining Star" amongst faculty by residential students,
  • 2010: Promotion to Senior Lecturer, ODU
  • 2008: Voted as "Shining Star" amongst faculty by residential students,