Department of 管理


NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in 管理, Stern School of 业务, New York University, (1998)

在,我. I. T, (1987)

in, N.I.T, (1985)

Contracts, 奖助金 and Sponsored 研究

Liu-Thompkins, Y. 奈尔,A. "A Study of the Strategic Process Orientation of Firms/ College of 业务 and Public 政府 Small 业务 Grant" $2,000. Old Dominion University. - 2005
奈尔,. and Liu-Thompkins, Y. "College of 业务 & Public 政府, Small 研究 Development Grant" $2,000. Old Dominion University. 2004 - 2005


Industry Analysis / 业务 Strategy / 创新 and Industry Changes/国际-India
Industry Analysis / 业务 Strategy / 创新 and Industry Changes


耆那教徒的.伊斯兰教.古森,M. 奈尔,A. (2023). Social movements and institutional entrepreneurship as facilitators of technology transition: The case of free/open-source software. . 研究政策 52 (2) , pp. 140673.
伊斯兰教,H.法雷尔,M.A. 张,J. 规则重要吗?? Platform Governance Systems and Conflicts . 技术 Forecasting and Social Change.
奈尔,.Sharifi, M.阿,Guldiken.A. 威利斯,C. Review of Strategic 管理 研究 on India. Asia Pacific Journal of 管理.
Pezeshkan,.史密斯,A.费恩什米特,S. 奈尔,A. (2022). A neo-configurational institutional analysis of international venture capital attractiveness and performance: insights for Asia-Pacific.. Asia Pacific Journal of 管理 39 (2) , pp. 365-393.
Moeni, M.陈,C.A. 莫尼,A. (2021). A digitalized global economy: Studying the effect of digital readiness of countries on international merger and acquisition flows. Journal of 全球 Information 技术 管理 34 (6) , pp. 1821-1843.
奈尔,. 陈,L. (2021). Introduction to Special Issue on Transitional Entrepreneurship: What? 为什么? & 未来之路. Journal of Development Entrepreneurship 26 (03).
Gharagozloo, M.A. 陈,C. (2020). The effect of the digital readiness of economies on international M&一个性能..
Fainshmidt,年代.A. 和马伦,M. R. (2017). MNE performance during a crisis: An evolutionary perspective on the role of dynamic managerial capabilities and industry context. 国际 业务 Review 26 (6) , pp. 1088-1099.
阿,Guldiken.塔珀,C. Yu, H. (2017). The Impact of Media Coverage on IPO Stock Performance. Journal of 业务 研究 72.
奈尔,. 韦伯,T。. (2017). borjo coffee house: Competing Successfully against Starbucks. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 41 (5) , pp. 861-875.
Fainshmidt,年代.佩泽什坎,A.弗雷泽,L.A. and Markowski, E. P. (2016). Dynamic Capabilities and 组织al Performance: A Meta-Analytic Evaluation and Extension. Journal of 管理 Studies 53 (8) , pp. 1348–1380.
史密斯,.小法官., W. Q.佩泽什坎,A. 奈尔,A. (2016). Institutionalizing Entrepreneurial 专业知识 in Subsistence Economies. Journal of World 业务 51 (6) , pp. 910-922.
Pezeshkan,.费恩什米特,S.A.弗雷泽,L. and Markowski, E. P. (2016). An empirical assessment of the dynamic capabilities-performance relationship. Journal of 业务 研究 69 (8) , pp. 2950-2956.
耆那教徒的. 奈尔,A. (2015). Introduction to the Special Issue: Towards a theoretical understanding of innovation and entrepreneurship in India. Asia Pacific Journal of 管理.
奈尔,.佩泽什坎,A.阿,Guldiken. and Fainschmidt,年代. (2015). A review of 研究 on 创新 in India . Asia Pacific Journal of 管理.
Bromiley P.麦克沙恩,M. K.A. and Rustambekov E. (2015). Enterprise Risk 管理: Review, Critique, and 研究 Directions. Long Range Planning 48 (4) , pp. 265-276.
奈尔,., Rustambekov E.麦克沙恩,M. K. and Fainshmidt,年代. (2014). Enterprise Risk 管理 as a Dynamic Capability: A test of its effectiveness during a crisis. Managerial and Decision Economics 35 (8) , pp. 555-566.
包,年代.费恩什米特,S.弗拉切娃,V. 奈尔,A. (2014). 女性 in Upper Echelons of 管理, Tenure and 法律 Risk. British Journal of 管理 25 (2) , pp. 388-405.
奈尔,. D . Selover. D. (2012). A Study of Competitive Dynamics between Coke and Pepsi. Journal of 业务 研究 65 (3) , pp. 355.
麦克肖恩,M. K.A. and Rustambekov E. (2011). Does ERM Increase Firm Value. . Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance 26 (4) , pp. 641-658.
Karande K.A.辛格帕迪,A. 汤彤,P. (2010). Market Orientation and Export Performance in Thailand: A Moderating Effect of 国际 Marketing Strategy. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 18 (2) , pp. 155-170.
Singhapakdi,., P.卡兰德,K. 奈尔,A. (2010). The Effect of Product Adaptation and Market Orientation on Export Performance: A Survey of Thai Manager. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 18 (2) , pp. 155-169.
李,年代. 奈尔,A. (2009). Asian Corporate Governance. Corporate Governance: An 国际 Review 17 (4) , pp. 407-410.
奈尔,. 阿尔斯特罗姆,D. (2008). Balancing Hamiltonian and Jeffersonian Contradictions Within 组织. Journal of 管理 Inquiry 17 (4) , pp. 306-317.
过滤器II, L. H.A. 阿尔斯特罗姆,D. (2007). Localized Advantage in a 全球 Economy: Revisiting Porter’s Diamond Framework – The Case of Bangalore. 49 (5) , pp. 591-618.
奈尔,. D . Selover. D. (2007). 战争与和平? A Game Theoretic Study of Competitive Interaction Between Coke and Pepsi.
奈尔,. 李,S. (2007). A comparative study of the Economic Reforms in China and India: What can we learn? . 全球 Economic Review 36 (2) , pp. 147-166.
奈尔,.阿尔斯特罗姆,D.杨,M. 王,L. C. (2006). China: Competitive Myths And Realities. SAM Advanced 管理 Journal.


Ermilina V.A.张,J.费恩什米特,S. 萨莱兹,A. ( 2022). The Impact of CEOs Winning Awards on Firm Strategic Change Paper Academy of 管理 .
伊斯兰教,H.法雷尔,M.A. 张,J. ( 2022). Transaction Platform Governance and Conflicts: A Configuration Approach Paper Academy of 管理 .
奈尔,. and Moghaddam, K. ( 2022). Transitional Entrepreneurship: Caucus Session Oral Presentation Academy of 管理 .
Koaliga K.A.威利斯,C. 布朗,S。. ( 2022). A case study on ESVBA’s success in Eastern Shore Paper Eastern Academy of 管理 .
梅里曼,C.A. 威利斯,C. ( 2022). Social 创新 Solutions Driving Student Engagement, The 社区 Problem Solving Challenge Oral Presentation 美国SBE .
梅里曼,C.A. 和C .威利斯. ( 2022). 社区 Problem Solving Challenge. Innovative approach to experiential learning workshop Oral Presentation Western Academy of 管理 .
Rustambekov E. 奈尔,A. (November , 2015). Excessive Risk Taking As A Function Of Aspirations, On A Sample Of 全球 Investment Banks Paper AIB Southeast .
Rustambekov E.A. 麦克肖恩,M. K. (November , 2015). How Demographics Of The Board Leads To Various Levels Of Risk-Taking In 全球 Investment Bank Paper AIB Southeast .
阿,Guldiken.塔珀,C., Yu, H. 奈尔,A. ( 2014). Study of the Impact of Media Coverage on IPO Stock Performance Paper Southern 管理 Association .
奈尔,. ( 2013). 管理 研究 on India: Retrospect & Prospect Academy of 管理 .
Fainschmidt,年代.佩泽什坎,A.马可夫斯基,E. P.弗雷泽,M. 奈尔,A. ( 2013). '全球 Industry Characteristics, Asset 管理 Capability, And Firm Performance During A Crisis Paper Southern 管理 Association New Orleans.
史密斯,.佩泽什坎,A. 奈尔,A. ( 2013). 'Subsistence Markets and Entrepreneur Cognitions: A Role for Entrepreneurship Enabling 组织 Paper Southern 管理 Association .
Fainshmidt,年代.佩泽什坎,A.马可夫斯基,E. P.弗雷泽,M. 兰斯. 奈尔,A. ( 2013). Dynamic Capabilities, 环境, and Performance: A Meta-analytic Review Paper Southern 管理 Association .
奈尔,.戈皮纳斯,M. 法官,W. Q. ( 2012). Impact of 文化 on Emotions Paper AIB .
奈尔,. ( 2012). Managing your Dissertation Oral Presentation Asia Academy of 管理 .
奈尔,. ( 2012). Publishing in APJM Oral Presentation Asia Academy of 管理 .
奈尔,. 韦伯,T。. ( 2012). Borjo coffee house: Competing Successfully against Starbucks Paper Eastern Academy of 管理 .
( 2011). PDW Panel Presentation on 创新 and Entrepreneurship in India Oral Presentation Academy of 管理 .
徐,W.A.戈皮纳斯,M. 及小法官., W. Q. ( 2011). The effects of guilt on strategic decision-making: A China-US cross-cultural experimental study Paper Academy of 管理 Meetings San Antonio, 德州.
包,年代.费恩什米特,S.弗拉切娃,V. 奈尔,A. ( 2011). 女性 in Upper Echelons, tenure and risk of lawsuits Paper Southern 管理 Association .
奈尔,. ( 2010). Meet the Editors of Asia Pacific Journal of 管理 Academy of 管理 , Montreal.
奈尔,. D . Selover. D. ( 2007). A game theoretic study of competitive dynamics between Coke and Pepsi Academy of 管理 Conference Philadelphia.
奈尔,. 阿尔斯特罗姆,D. ( 2006). Jeffersonian and Hamiltonian 组织 Academy of 管理 Conference Atlanta.
奈尔,. 阿尔斯特罗姆,D. ( 2006). China: Competitive Myths And Realities Michael Young Society for Advancement of 管理 (SAM) Annual 国际 Conference Orlando, 佛罗里达, 美国.
奈尔,. 卡维塔,M. ( 2005). Poland’s Political and Economic Reforms and the Emergence of LPP S.A’s Reserved brand National Case 研究 Association meetings Cape Cod, MA.
奈尔,. ( 2005). Imax: Larger than Life. Society for Case 研究 conference Pocatello, Idaho.
奈尔,. 卡拉维塔,M. (October , 2005). Polish Economic Reforms and the Emergence of LPP S.A’s Reserved brand’s. NACRA Conference .
  • 2016: MBA 教授 of the Year Award, MBAA
  • 2016: SCB Doctoral Student Mentoring Award ,
  • 2014: Best Doctoral Student in Entrepreneurship Track, Southern 管理 Association
  • 2014: Outstanding Doctoral Student Paper, Southern 管理 Paper
  • 2013: Best Selling Case: IMAX, Ivey Publishing
  • 2012: Best First Time Submission, CASE Association
  • 2009: SCB 教学 Award,
  • 2006: SCB 服务 Award,
  • 2003: SCB 研究 Award,
  • 1999: AOM Best Symposium Award , AOM 管理 教育 Divison