
健康 Sciences Building

To be a center of excellence in the advancement and the application of knowledge in 公共卫生.


To improve 公共卫生 in the region, 这个国家, and around the globe through innovative and transdisciplinary, 教学, 研究, 实践, 和服务.

Equity: We believe in the right to the opportunity for an inclusive participation for a healthy life

Respect: We believe mutual respect and personal trustworthiness

Professional ethics: We believe in collective commitment to principles and values guiding the 实践 of 公共卫生

Inclusiveness: We believe in encompassing all backgrounds and communities

Diversity: We believe in acceptance and respect the uniqueness, recognize our individual differences in a safe, 积极的, and nurturing environment.

Human Rights: We believe in progressively improving the enjoyment of all people to the right to health

Be part of the community: We believe in existing to serve 和服务 through transformational efforts to improve overall health


Welcome to the School of 社区 and Environmental 健康, where you can study environmental health, 公共卫生, and allied health sciences. Our students embark on a fascinating, multi-disciplinary, and impactful career choice. Most environmental and 公共卫生 professionals will tell you that the 积极的 impact you can have on entire communities and populations is one of the best rewards of working in the environmental and 公共卫生 profession. We do not have to look far to find countless examples of this 积极的 impact, whether we look at the recent COVID-19 pandemic, improvements in childhood nutrition, reductions in smoking, or improved air quality through reductions in criteria air pollutant concentrations.

纵观历史, environmental and 公共卫生 interventions have saved countless lives including such notable successes as the eradication of smallpox, significant reductions in disease by chlorinating drinking water, and safer workplaces. 然而, many challenges still need to be addressed including alcoholism, the opioid epidemic, 枪支暴力, 战争和冲突, and future pandemics. All of these pressing issues significantly impact millions of people daily and it is up to the modern environmental and 公共卫生 professional to utilize their intellect, 培训, and energy to work diligently for the next success. People are counting on 公共卫生 and the need cannot be overstated. From a professional perspective, this is a very satisfying and meaningful endeavor, as Benjamin Franklin once said, "The noblest question in the world is: What good may I do in it?". And as the famous sociologist Margaret Mead said, "Don't ever doubt that the efforts of a small group of concerned citizens can change the world: Indeed it is the only thing that ever has." Insightful comments that summarize the goal and drive behind the hard work to become an effective environmental and 公共卫生 professional. Welcome to the profession!!

副教授 & 临时的椅子