Dear Fellow Monarchs:

欢迎来到最靠谱的网赌软件2023年春季学期! 我们正式开始了又一个充满激情和成长的学期, 我们是在我们这个伟大机构的传奇历史上的一个特殊时刻这样做的. At the conclusion of 2022, 我们庆祝了我们从卡内基高等教育机构分类中获得著名的研究1地位一周年,并继续我们与东弗吉尼亚医学院(EVMS)整合的重要工作,在汉普顿路建立一个学术健康科学中心. 这些重要的倡议将在未来几周和几个月内继续获得势头.

本月晚些时候,我们将正式启动新的战略计划。”Forward-Focused: Where Innovation Meets Possibilities.“完整的计划将于下周在校园和社区广泛分发, I must take this opportunity to acknowledge the many individuals who participated in focus groups; served on the steering committee, subcommittees, or teams; reviewed the draft plan; and shared their feedback on our future work. With clear goals, as outlined below, 以及详细的战略和稳健的关键绩效指标, the engagement, partnership, and support of the Monarch Nation, especially our students, faculty, and staff, will be critical. 在未来的岁月里,我们将共同取得更大的进步和成功!

Academic Excellence
Goal 1: 作为弗吉尼亚州在发展和提供相关的联邦领导机构, 签名学术课程,以满足区域和全球劳动力需求

Goal 2: 通过体验式学习项目为所有本科生提供高影响力的体验

Goal 3: 利用先进的教学方法和建议的最佳做法,以丰富本科和研究生的学术课程

Goal 4: 发展基础设施,为本科生和研究生提供卓越的研究和奖学金

Goal 5: 加快招聘和留住致力于卓越教学的多元化教师和学术管理人员, scholarship, engagement, and mentorship

Branding, Marketing, and Communication
Goal 1: 建立一个统一的、鼓舞人心的本地品牌推广, regional, 以及国家对大学所有实体的认可

Goal 2: 建立基础设施,优化印刷、社交媒体和网络参与

Goal 3: Provide training to students, faculty, and staff on branding, marketing, and communication objectives, goals, standards, practices, metrics, and policies, as well as current best practices and emerging trends

Goal 4: Better integrate the physical campus in branding, marketing, 通过强调最大化大学品牌识别的项目,通过校园美化努力进行沟通, create a sense of place, promote wellbeing, foster a diverse community, and promote a unified look that engages students, faculty, staff, and guests

Goal 1: 建立企业和社区参与的内部基础设施和文化

Goal 2: 部署新的基础设施和文化,以加强企业和社区的伙伴关系

Goal 3: Expand innovation and entrepreneurship

Goal 4: 以经济发展支撑经济福祉

Philanthropic Giving and Alumni Engagement
Goal 1: 为与进步相关的活动和操作创建更健壮的基础设施

Goal 2: 在整个大学建立可持续的慈善文化

Goal 3: 扩大大学的校友范围,培养自豪感和参与度

Goal 4: Increase overall annual support

Goal 5: Launch and complete a comprehensive capital campaign

Research Growth
Goal 1: 在有针对性的新兴研究领域取得国家突出地位,从而创造向卡内基R1机构下一个更高象限的运动, while maintaining, enhancing, and leveraging existing areas of strength

Goal 2: 培养教师和行政合作的文化,加强沟通,并专注于解决运营一个强大的研究企业的问题和挑战

Goal 3: Develop agile processes, tools, and systems to enhance faculty research opportunities, collaboration, and productivity, 包括加强对研究基础设施的协调和支持

Goal 4: 通过将艺术和人文学科与科学领域的学术联系起来,将艺术和人文学科重新定义为所有学科的交叉和整体, engineering, health sciences, and other fields

Strategic Enrollment Growth
Goal 1: Grow targeted, 高需求项目吸引传统本科生, online, transfer, military, international, and graduate students

Goal 2: Grow fully online enrollment

Goal 3: 提高学生的可及性和可负担性,以吸引和留住学生, 同时促进所有学生水平和模式的负担能力和完成

Goal 4: Grow and support untapped Latinx enrollment

Goal 5: 利用社区资源和家庭成员来支持招生和学生的成功

Student Engagement and Success
Goal 1: Improve academic preparation, engagement, 并为学生提供建议,帮助他们为学业和研究生的成功做好准备

Goal 2: 通过为学生提供额外的经济支持,继续为他们提供负担得起的大学经历, 减少阻碍进步和成功的经济障碍, and supporting student social mobility

Goal 3: 提高本科生留校率和毕业率

Moving forward, our vision is clear. Together, we will be forward-focused, innovative, 以及在推动最靠谱的网赌软件在国内和国际上取得卓越成就方面的企业家精神. 我们对无障碍的核心价值观有着坚定的承诺, collaboration, excellence, global engagement, inclusion, innovation, and respect, we will proudly pursue our mission. 我们将继续在广泛的教学范围内为本科生和研究生培养充满活力的校园和全球在线学习, research, and service efforts, while enriching lives, promoting insightful and perceptive leadership, 激励我们在多元化的环境中追求卓越, inclusive, and supportive environment!

With Monarch Pride,

Brian O. Hemphill, Ph.D.