作者:Harry Minium

最靠谱的网赌软件 on Thursday dedicated its newest residence hall, a building that pays tribute to a historic civil rights figure, and officials say is among the most modern in the nation.

雨果一. 欧文斯 House, 62美元.5 million, 470-bed residence hall that opened this spring, is named for Dr. 雨果一. 欧文斯, a prominent local dentist who was ODU's first African American rector.

政府. Ralph Northam participated in the ribbon cutting and paid tribute to 欧文斯' history of fighting for equal rights. 他提醒与会者, 包括官员, 学生和欧文斯的亲戚, of the time in the 1960s when 欧文斯 sued to gain equal access to Portsmouth parks.

He did so after he and his daughter were told to leave because they were Black.

"Can you believe that not that long ago that man was told he could not be in one of our parks?“政府. 在平时说.

"Dr. 欧文斯 was a trailblazer and a civil rights hero. We know that racism and discrimination of the Jim Crow era did not change because white people realized it was unfair. It changed because people like Dr. 欧文斯 were brave enough to stand up and say, 'This not right.'

"As hard as civil rights 领袖s like Dr. 欧文斯 worked, we know that racism and discrimination still exist in our system.

"I hope the students living here will learn all about Dr. 欧文斯 and understand his role in helping make the world a better place for them just as they will have the opportunity to do for our next generation."

Dr. 欧文斯' history of fighting for racial justice, particularly equal access to education and health care, is documented on the first floor on a namesake wall, 其中包括照片和报价. His three children, 宝拉·欧文斯·帕克, Patrice 欧文斯 Parker and Hugo 欧文斯 Jr., participated in creating the tribute.

约翰·R总统. Broderick said it was appropriate to name ODU's most modern residence hall for 欧文斯.

"He embraced courage in his fight for civil rights,布罗德里克校长说, "and I hope his legacy inspires future generations at Old Dominion to follow his path."

前ODU总统詹姆斯·V. 科赫, who has called 欧文斯 "the Nelson Mandela of Hampton Roads,像曼德拉一样说。, "he became known for disarming even hostile groups by saying a very friendly hello to them in eight or 10 different languages.

"But he was ready to take slings and arrows, 威胁和侮辱, and did so often during his career."

当欧文斯是校长的时候, he surprised potential critics "who were anticipating a firebrand,科赫补充道. "Hugo had lots of fire within him, but he knew when and where to use it."

The 165,000-square-foot 欧文斯 House is the second-largest residence hall at ODU.

Many students living there major in STEM-H - science, 技术, 工程, 数学和健康科学.

欧文斯 House reflects the partnership between 住房 & Residence Life and Academic Affairs to support the academic experience of residential students. It contains living-learning communities focusing on cybersecurity, 游戏, health professions and 工程 that allow students to take classes, go to study hall or collaborate on projects, 都不需要离开大楼.

Much of the student interaction takes place on the second floor. It features academically focused resources, 包括两个教室, 学习的房间, a learning commons and a computer room with 22 terminals open to all residential students 24 hours a day. It also has an 创新 Lab, complete with computer terminals and 3-D printers.

The 创新 Lab is designed as a collaboration area for students in all majors to encourage creativity and test new ideas. The lab supports the entrepreneurial spirit of ODU and encourages students to participate in other spaces, such as the 斯特罗姆创业中心 and the Engineering Makerspace & Invention Center in the 巴顿工程学院 and 技术.

欧文斯的大女儿, 宝拉·欧文斯·帕克, said her father's dentist office was "an incubator for dreams, 不仅对他, but for everyone who worked for him and his patients.

"None of his staff was expected to stay. He opened doors and introduced them to people that would help them realize their goals.

“感谢布罗德里克总统,帕克说, "欧文斯 House will continue that legacy of being an incubator for dreams. We applaud his vision and tireless work to secure the funding and support to build this magnificent facility."

President Broderick said: "If students can dream it, they can create it in the 欧文斯 House. Dr. 欧文斯 was passionate about lifelong learning and collaboration, and he brought that energy to Old Dominion.

"Hugo 欧文斯 House was designed not only to celebrate his legacy, but to inspire our students. My hope is that they will carry forward his spirit and make their own contributions to improve the world they live in.

"Old Dominion is a better place because of the contributions of Hugo 欧文斯."

The building was designed as a comfortable, open facility. Each floor has community spaces to encourage students to interact, whether to collaborate on projects, 一起学习, cook in the community kitchens or just relax and watch TV.

欧文斯 House was designed by VMDO Architects and ODU's architects in collaboration with faculty and administrators, but students also had significant input. They selected the interior furniture, all custom-made, for the building's public sections.

欧文斯大厦的正面, on 49th Street near Powhatan Avenue, 显示为三个部分, with giant atriums fronting all three. Windows are located just about everywhere, and the building drinks in natural light.

The middle section has four stories of clear glass, with hallways that link the two five-story towers. The upper levels of the building offer panoramic views of the campus and nearby Larchmont neighborhood.

A patio behind 欧文斯 House has permanent outdoor furniture, 包括一张乒乓球桌, 还有一个通告, 玻璃室内公共区域.

“这是一座美丽的建筑, and everything in 欧文斯 House was selected to support our students' success,唐·斯坦伯里说, vice president of student engagement and enrollment services.

One of the most striking features of the residence hall is the furniture in the rooms. It is comfortable yet collapsible and allows students to configure beds and desks in any manner they desire. Beds can be raised or lowered, and study desks can also be adjusted to seated or standing height.

The facility is ideal for STEM and entrepreneurial students and is close to Broderick 餐厅 Commons, 学生娱乐中心, 韦伯大学中心, the 斯特罗姆创业中心 and most of the University's science buildings, including the new Chemistry Building.

Dr. 欧文斯 is memorialized on all five floors.

"We didn't want it to have a museum feel because it's an active space where students will be living and learning, but we wanted the residents to experience the impact Dr. 欧文斯 made as a 领袖," Stansberry said.

"The building is designed to be active and collaborative, which was one of the goals we set when we were putting the pieces together."

He credited ODU's staff for creating a tribute both meaningful and attractive.

Associate Dean of Students Bridget Weikel said every quote was chosen to speak to students.

“教育者”这个词, 导师, 领袖, 积极分子, lifelong learner and innovator - they all resonate with ODU and the values of our institution and capture the amazing character of Dr. 欧文斯,”她说.

"So we took those words and identified quotes from the family or from Dr. 欧文斯 himself or from others in the community that help to tie him to those traits and actions he took.

"In each of the upper floors and in community spaces, we identified an additional quote that ties into one of those words as well. We're so excited about being able to showcase his contributions and have his legacy continue to impact our students."

在仪式上,德尔. Cliff Hayes, D-Chesapeake, credited 欧文斯 for 导师ing him and thanked ODU for honoring his legacy.

"It's important that our young people understand who our 领袖s were and the impact they made,海耶斯说. "President Broderick, thank you for naming such a magnificent project after Dr. 欧文斯."

ODU's student body is far more diverse now than it was when 欧文斯 was rector, from 1990 to 1994. Old Dominion also ranks among the top universities in the nation in African American graduation rates.

"Dr. 欧文斯," 科赫 said, "I think would be very pleased with 最靠谱的网赌软件 today."


“如果爸爸在这里, he would be in 欧文斯 House on moving day to meet the students and encourage them to have the best year they could have,她说.

"He would have flowers in the reception desk to show appreciation for the staff.

"He would be back in the spring to wish the students a good summer.

"If he were here, he would be thrilled and amazed. He would stand up with his hands on his hips and turn to my mother and say, “海伦, 你能相信吗??'



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