最靠谱的网赌软件 awarded nearly 1,600 undergraduate and graduate degrees in two ceremonies on Dec. 16 during its 139th commencement exercises at Chartway Arena.

第一次仪式在上午9点举行.m., celebrated graduates of the 文学院 and 信, the Batten College of Engineering and 技术, the 理学院 and the School of 网络安全. 下午12:30.m. ceremony commended graduates of the 达顿教育学院 and Professional Studies, the 斯特罗姆商学院, the 健康科学学院, 护理学院, the newly established School of Data Science and the 研究生院.

U.S. 罗伯特·C代表. “Bobby” Scott served as the featured speaker for both ceremonies. Congressman Scott has represented Virginia’s 3rd Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1993.

“Make no mistake about it,” he said. “Your college education is more important now than ever because of the moment we find ourselves in today.” 

Photo of a man speaking at a podium.
U.S. 罗伯特·C代表. “Bobby” Scott was the featured speaker at 最靠谱的网赌软件’s 139th Commencement Exercises on Dec. 16号在查特威体育馆.

终身公仆, Congressman Scott encouraged students to stay active and involved with their community.

“That means more than just voting,” he said. “It means following the news, attending city council meetings and contacting your elected officials at every level of government. Possibly even running for office yourself.”

尼娜·罗德里格斯·冈瑟, vice president for digital learning, recognized the hundreds of students, representing 31% of ODU’s student body, who earned their degrees through ODU全球 this semester. 她指出,超过22,000 students have earned ODU degrees via distance learning over nearly 40 years.

“他们是成人学习者, 全职员工, 服务人员, 母亲和父亲, individuals who require accessible environments. They are those who choose to fit education into life,” Gonser said.

“You have demonstrated a profound level of self-discipline and motivation, proving that distance is no obstacle to the pursuit of knowledge.”

ODU总裁Brian O. Hemphill, Ph值.D., asked the new graduates to think about the vital roles they will play in society.

“You are among the most fortunate people in one of the most fortunate countries on Earth,” he said. “And because of the special status you hold as an educated person, others will look to your leadership.”

Congressman Scott was awarded an honorary doctorate of humane letters from the University.

He concluded his speech by stressing the importance of using education for good.

正如马丁·路德·金所说. 曾经说过, ‘The most dangerous criminal may be the man gifted with reason, 但是没有道德,’”斯科特说。.

“Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”