
学习 choreography requires skill, discipline, effort and time.

如果你希望 创建 quality choreography, you’re going to need all that and more: imagination, inspiration, and ambition.

在春季音乐会上, 最靠谱的网赌软件 dancers will perform pieces 创建d by professionals as well as some conceived by student choreographers.

大学舞蹈剧院春季舞蹈音乐会, 4月10日至13日, 将以各种风格为特色:嘻哈, 现代, 爵士乐, 当代芭蕾.

Choreographers for the performance include visiting artist Mike Esperanza, ODU舞蹈学院的詹姆斯·莫罗, 肖恩·奥哈拉和梅根·汤普森, 以及学生卡梅伦·克拉克和玛基亚·弗雷泽.

Here’s what this talented pair of student choreographers had to say about their developing craft and their hopes for a rewarding future.


Growing up in the small town of Halifax in south central Virginia, 卡梅伦克拉克 would mimic the dance moves he saw on television. “我以前总是在房子周围跳舞. 我会出去做空翻. Mom was like, ‘OK, we’re signing you up for dance class,’” he recalled.

At a studio called Essence of Movement in his hometown, the youngster was introduced to hip-hop steps and tumbling. Continuing to study there for years, he refined his skills and expanded his range. 作为青少年, he won a scholarship that allowed him to travel to Los Angeles to contribute to a music video and attend workshops.

“My experience here at ODU changed me as a dancer,” said 卡梅伦克拉克. “My instructors have taught me to move with grace, move with intension, but make it your own as well.”

他来ODU学习商业, 但是在他大二的时候, 他选择主修舞蹈,辅修戏剧.

“There’s a sense of community here with the dance department,” Clark said, now a senior. “I just wanted to show my passion for dance and continue to develop my craft.”

即兴创作是他的专长之一. He exercised improv muscles last fall as part of the ODU Department of Art’s “Fright Night” Halloween event.

“我真的很喜欢,”他说. “看到人们的反应真的很有趣. My classes are more structured, but when I have free time, I’m always improvising or freestyling. 在我的世界里,它带走了压力,治愈了我. It also helps in coming up with different moves you can put into a dance.”

春季音乐会, 他创作了一件名为《最靠谱的网赌软件》的作品,该书分四章追溯了他的人生经历. It includes a robust mix of styles, including African influences.

“I’ve always wanted to do dance that was different from any particular genre,” Clark said. “I want to blend every single style together and make it look seamless and flowing.”

展望五月份的毕业, he’d like to land a gig as an entertainer for one of the major cruise lines. He also hopes to audition for dance companies in New York, Florida and Chicago.

“My experience here at ODU changed me as a dancer,” Clark said. “My instructors have taught me to move with grace, move with intension, but make it your own as well.”


弗吉尼亚海滩人Ma 'Kyia Frazier说, 初级舞蹈教育专业, has been learning dance since age 3 when her mom enrolled her in a toddler 爵士乐 class at a local studio.

“My mom realized all the other sports she put me in were great, 但跳舞可能是为我准备的,弗雷泽写道. She successfully auditioned for the Old Donation School Gifted Dance Education Program around age 9 and studied there until 2017. From there, she won a spot in the Visual and Performing 艺术 Academy for Dance at Salem High School. 她于2021年获得了塞勒姆大学的毕业证书.


“I am inspired every time I step on campus,” said 马'Kyia弗雷泽. “这里有适合每个人的东西."

马'Kyia弗雷泽 stands alone on stage, facing the audience with her arms open.
马'Kyia弗雷泽 is a junior ODU Dance Education major from Virginia Beach. 图片由Dray 's Digifoto 服务s提供.

“I knew that this dance department is open to all levels and open to all styles,弗雷泽写道. “而且,它离家很近. I just knew I wanted to dance for my entire life so why not make a career out of it? I also learned I like teaching, giving, supporting and inspiring people.


The piece she choreographed for the spring concert is called, “Fallen Flame.”

“I went through —and still am going through — a rough mental health journey. I was in a dark place and got out of it through the support from my family, 我对上帝的信仰, 用舞蹈来表达我的痛苦,她写道。. “这篇文章讲的是一场心理战.”

Her dance starts in a chaotic mode, then shifts into something more contemplative and spiritual. “At the end you still are going through chaos but it’s starting to slowly fizzle out and become doable,弗雷泽写道.

She intends for the pieces to 创建 feelings of empathy and empowerment among audience members. “I hope to maybe even motivate them to keep going when things get hard.”

Frazier said she can always rely on adjunct instructor Lauren Sinclair for guidance and encouragement. “She pushes her students to give not only the audience something, 也包括你自己,弗雷泽写道. “Lauren has seen me at my lowest many times throughout my three years at ODU and she always is willing to talk, 提供建议, 给你一个可以靠着哭泣的肩膀, 甚至给予肯定的话语.”

Frazier said ODU faculty and staff 创建 a positive, supportive learning atmosphere.

“I am inspired every time I step on campus,她写道。. “这里有适合每个人的东西. 总会有新的、令人兴奋的事情发生.

“This campus keeps you active, motivated, and creative.”


什么: 大学舞蹈剧院春季2024舞蹈音乐会

当: 4月10日至12日晚7:30.m.4月13日下午2点.m. 晚上7:30.m.

地点: 大学剧院,诺福克汉普顿大道4608号

门票: oduartstix.com