About this Program

The Ph.D. 公共管理和政策专业培养公共和非营利管理和政策方面的专家领袖和学者,他们能够在多部门环境中创造和传播促进公共服务的知识. Today, 有效的公共行政和决策往往需要合作决策和解决问题. We take a multi-sector approach, focusing the challenges that arise where governments, nonprofits, businesses, community groups, and individuals intersect. 我们的课程与大多数以前的学术领域和职业兼容, such as political science, criminal justice, social work, engineering, business, fine arts, environmental sciences, education, etc.

Program Highlights

  • Emphasis on Multi-sector Administration

  • 49 total credit hours

  • Take classes on campus or online

  • 由ODU教师在非营利组织和公共管理方面的专业知识授课, public-private partnerships, public procurement and contract management, citizen participation, dispute resolution, economic development, health policy, and more

Degree Level
Degree Earned
Doctor of Philosophy
Delivery Modes


Check out these ideas from ODU Career Development Services and the Occupational Information Network (O*NET). 中位数工资是人们通常收入的中间值——一半的受访者收入高于中位数工资, and half earned below.

Public Relations and Fundraising Managers

$127,690 Median Salary

Plan, direct, or coordinate activities designed to create or maintain a favorable public image or raise issue awareness for their organization or client; or if engaged in fundraising, plan, direct, 或协调活动,为特殊项目或非营利组织征集和维持资金.

Chief Executives

$196,050 Median Salary

在董事会或类似的管理机构制定的指导方针下,确定和制定政策,并为公司或私营和公共部门组织提供总体指导. Plan, direct, 或者在下级主管和员工经理的帮助下协调最高管理层的业务活动.

Purchasing Managers

$121,810 Median Salary

Plan, direct, or coordinate the activities of buyers, purchasing officers, and related workers involved in purchasing materials, products, and services. 包括批发或零售贸易的销售经理和采购经理.

Social and Community Service Managers

$77,030 Median Salary

Plan, direct, 或者协调社会服务项目或社区外展组织的活动. 监督计划或组织的预算和有关参与者参与的政策, program requirements, and benefits. 工作可能包括指导社会工作者、辅导员或缓刑官员.


What are the requirements to apply for Public Administration & Policy at ODU?
进入公共管理哲学博士课程的学生 & Policy should meet the minimum university admission requirements Graduate Admission.

申请全年接受,截止日期为3月1日. 申请审核从3月中旬开始,4月中下旬结束. 申请详情及资助详情,请浏览学系网页. To apply, you will need:

  • Two letters of recommendation from academic sources (e.g., professors from previous degree work). If it is not possible to secure three academic references, please contact the GPD for advice on acceptable substitutes.

  • 一份反映学术和专业成就和经验的简历.

  • 一份三到六页的双倍行距的学术和职业目标的书面陈述. The focus of the essay should be on how the Ph.D. 公共管理和政策学位将帮助申请人推进他/她的专业发展, 以及为什么申请人希望在最靠谱的网赌软件和公共服务学院追求这些目标.

  • 地区认可的机构或类似的外国机构的成绩单,显示在入学时完成硕士学位,最低GPA为3.25 on a 4.0 scale.

  • 申请入学前五年内取得的GRE能力倾向分数. The GMAT may be accepted as a substitution. 米勒类比测试(MAT)的分数不被接受或考虑入学.  在特定情况下可以免除GRE考试-请访问部门网页了解详情.

  • 对于母语不是英语的学生,托福成绩最低为79分,或6分.5 on the IELTS is required.


Estimated rates for the 2023-24 academic year. Rates are subject to change. 任何目前不是弗吉尼亚州居民的人都将被收取非居民费率. That includes international students.

Virginia Resident
Cost Per-Credit $599
Cost Per-Credit $623
Cost Per-Credit $1,439

Ways to Save

Here are a few ways for you to save on the cost of attending ODU. For more information visit University Student Financial aid

Financial Aid

最靠谱的网赌软件的研究生可以获得经济援助. 经济援助可能以大学奖学金的形式提供, tuition grants, and research assistantships. In addition to the financial aid offered by the University, 研究生可能有资格获得其他机构管理的援助和学生贷款. For information about part-time employment, scholarships, and student loans, contact the Office of Student Financial Aid.